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Everything posted by FuckDaFakes

  1. it would be good to see some politic\al shit get thrown up there in china...Then we'd see how fast their anti-graff crews are :L
  2. Fuck man ur a pussy if you need can silencers lol
  3. Ok fine. Il take a back seat in this one. If its your 'job' to analyse eastern asia then fine. You do know more than me but when it comes to being just downright nasty im going to stand up. You think i dont know that my grammar isnt the best, you think i am proud of that ? Well im not so that is where you need to make some changes. Anyway i still stand by the fact that if Amercia was to go into action then Britain and many other countries would follow. United Nations would step in and it would be like Bosnia all over again but with the risk of nukes and chemical warfare. That is what i personally believe.
  4. ChristoF. Why is it everyone is wrong except from you. You know for a fact that if NK was to attack anywhere which is very doubtful now obviously then the uk would have to get involved. And as far as you saying that Gb wasnt involved in haiti, nam, korea and all the rest of that... That was long before blair had his head up bush's arse and made all these dumbass connections. Im saying that if US was to do anything chances are brittain would want to get invloved either way, Whether it was in NK or fucking Swazyland. And dont bother trying to fucking belitlle me and correcting my spelling and grammar coz its really childish and immature.
  5. It hink guitar hero is awesome but there are wayyy to many lol. Like aerosmith and the beatles rockband haha :L:L ahhh lol The metallica one is awesome though :D
  6. No unfortuently he is still very much here in this forum. His posts are either pointless or just sheer arrogance. Much like this post actualy lol
  7. I really dont think this fool will upload this lol
  8. Ill tell you man the uk government is fucked. They are ruining peoples life ! Seriously there is absolutly no privacy left in out lifes. There is a thing called the forntline inteligance team who go about with cameras 24/7 recording everything they see. They are mainly used when there is a protest but even if there isnt they just go about filming people. Because there aint enough fucking cctv cameras about. Fuck big brother.
  9. This thread has no contributing factors what so ever. It has no train painting advice, tips, sugestions whatsover. It sucks. Anothre waste of bandwith
  10. ahright ill need to get down to nottingham some time then lol. Im in glasgow and aberdeen so im in between them during the year lol Aberdeen for college and glasgow for drinking at not 'term' time lol
  11. Im from uk and i dont mind paying 2.99 for ironlak coz the paint is great. my local 'graff store' is shit and your talking a fiver for mtn gold and 4 quid for sabotaz which i do like i must admit. So realy paying 2.99 for a can of ironlak is a good thing for me personaly. Whats your local graff store 'keylikesfood' ?
  12. Damn it. I didnt meen to post all those posts. The site wasnt refreshing after i clicked 'post quick reply'. so i kept back paging and rephrasing my post lol. Sorry bout all these posts haha
  13. YEah there is a uk based online company called graff-city.com and they do ironlak for £2.99 a can which is great. Id say go and check out graff city, its a decent site. But im saying if ironlak started selling in stores around here then it would defo be bought.
  14. There is a site http://www.graff-city.com and they sell ironlak at a great price. £2.99. Absolutly fantastic price and all is good as gravy but its the online thing. Its so much easier to go into a store and pick a few cans than do it online. But I reckon that if ironlak started selling in stores around here then there would be a good amount of folk wanting to buy them i think.
  15. Yeah i can get it online from http://www.graff-city.com. Thats a uk based online company and their prices are really good. Cant argue with them lol. But what im mean is actually in stores and i rekon people would buy more in stores than they would online. £2.99 a can is great. Fantastic price :D
  16. When im working on cars ect the oil gets really thicka nd shitty and normal soap n fairy liquid dont cut it. But with fairly liquid and SUGAR or SALT it works great becuase the britleness of the sugar/salt works its wae into the skin and it comes straight of. Its great. Ever noticed why soap despensers in auto garages have funny bits in the soap ;)
  17. Damn i wish they would introduce them in stores here in the uk. I think the consumer market here would go crazy high if it was to go big retail in uk
  18. Aw whos the big boy now (baby speak) Nice border douche bag haha Why the fuck would you write on a fucking vest. Your clearly very very gay ahaha
  19. How about you like i dunno. Walk there, and then walk back to your place of refuge ? OR Not ask stupid questions. Do you need people on the nets approval before you take charge of your life ?
  20. Man i miss using ironlak :( Someone buy me some. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_tOqKQH6LYhk/SkBid3N-uYI/AAAAAAAAA6Q/lRnKRSAeTDQ/s320/ironlakz+007.jpg New can ? 23 june 2009
  21. true2 wtf is your problem. You are clearly just an internet 'hardman' fucking dickhead
  22. Probably will be a shit thread if im honest :P
  23. the internet showd me the basics but you gotta feel for it yourself. I mean what one guys way of doing things might not suit you ye know
  24. Much appreciated. How long you been writing ?
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