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Banana fishd

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Everything posted by Banana fishd

  1. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear dude, I have tried all avenues of communication. I need a cupcake please be the man of my everything and make my dreams come true. SOS- FIRE-BWWWAR BWARRR BRRRRROOOOM ((((<---cop noise))))), CQD Bring Help fast- B,fish
  2. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear home, I am going to destroy the dirt youve built up. Say goodbye to your friend. -B.clean Dear caligula, I need your addy amigo. I am sending out invites to the big day. Would like it if you and suki san came but understand if you couldnt. Sincerely- B.fish Ps. There will be mexican food there. Pasole, Enchiladas, Tamales (((and an unfortunate turkey and ham))))
  3. They scare you? Phil is a big ol' pansie. He hides behind me when he meets new people. I never watched blade 3 but maybe I should. Then show it to phil and let him know that he could be ferocious and not a big ol scared cat of everything.
  4. Re: I wanna see your...........PETS! Suki that video is adorable! Activist Phil.
  5. Jbrsh I have all your stuff for the package together. Just have to send it out. Prolly sometime next week.
  6. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD BITCHES** (off topic but sorta on rant) When we were in Reno. We were all in the car and caligula was telling a story. While this was going on I was having my own little conversation going in my head. Analyzing. Connecting things in his story that I thought made sense. Without thinking I told him he wouldn’t make a very pretty girl. He told me I dont talk very much but when I do sometimes the things I say are mean. haha. A lot of times I forget about context when I speak. I just poop out nonsense gabber and expect people to understand why I say the things I do. It gets me in trouble from time to time so I usually opt for just not saying anything. Which is a ok with me… I am too young and stupid right now to be popping off at the gums anyway.
  7. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD BITCHES** Awe shucks. Thank you. I like these types of things. They get the juices flowing.
  8. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD BITCHES** I like number 12! Looking forward to taking time outta my week to go there.
  9. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD BITCHES** 1 -- Broken: Sunglass graveyard. Dates back to when I was 16. 2 -- Reflection 3 -- Happy- Its true...sometimes. 4 -- Filth: This isnt really all that filthy. But its been my task for the past couple of weeks to put all this crap away. I am still working on it --Before Phil at the Nami walk --After Repetition 7 -- Rust 8 -- Music 9 -- Refurbished 10 - Sport: Best sport (maybe?) ever 11 - Motorized 12 - Drip(s) 13 - Irony - Same protest. By June 14th sacramento will close down a major amount of MH clinics for the homeless due to our budget crisis. Her sign was referencing that but I was looking at the moment I guess. Bonerus - Underground: I had to. I had all these letters just sitting on my floor when I was cleaning. I dunno if its really underground...but I never hear anyone say it but you gentleman from these parts.
  10. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear today, please make work go by faster. I am running on two hours of sleep. Delusion is setting in. -B.fern
  11. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear dudeface, Please bring me a cupcake so I can be happy and fat. Thanks- B.fish
  12. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear zeebs, http://8tracks.com Pretty sure thats what you are talking about. Sincerely- B.fish Dearest suki, http://www.etsy.com/listing/45773890/pug-wedding-cake-topper?ref=sr_gallery_28&ga_search_query=figurines&ga_search_type=handmade&ga_page=5&includes%5B0%5D=tags&includes%5B1%5D=title I am being all about etsy right now. <3 b.fish
  13. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD BITCHES** I am suppose to be cleaning my apartment. So most of my pictures will be whats around my house. Because I am trying to work within my circumstance. My apologies in advance if it is uh lame.
  14. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear mudpud, It was a lot of fun. All these adorable dogs where everywhere wearing they teeshirts and being cute. We did ours in the rich peoples part of town near their golf course. Last I hear we raised 70k. Unfortunately it still wasnt enough. I think the objective was though to make the public aware of how messed up 71J is. Its been in the paper and on the news a lot lately so I think the protesting is sorta working. We have a county hearing for the MH budget on june 14...my fingers are crossed. Good lucks to you on your walk...wait..do you have a dog? Sincerely-B.fish
  15. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear nami walk, Thank you for letting me bring my dog. He had a good time. Except the big dogs kinda freaked him out. His anxiety was on overload. All that walking and snuggling with babes pooped him out: <3 hope you made our non-profit lots of money- B.fish
  16. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD BITCHES** That cd helped me unpack and clean my apartment. Good stuffs in there.
  17. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD BITCHES** Yay for the new list. Already have some in mind. I'll try to not be lazy and contribute.
  18. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD BITCHES** Cos who did this?? I love it. Oh. And you captured it nicely. IOU I like the lighting for your maps photos. Lame squids you couldnt capture more because of the rain. Your photos are always interesting.
  19. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD BITCHES** Awesome Filter. I really like the neon lights one. It's really interesting to see different peoples interpretations/presentations of the list. It be nice or whatever to see more peoples stuff. So um dont bum around gentleman...aint nothing to it but to do it.
  20. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD BITCHES** Oh. Which ones? I guess it's bad/not properly executed if I have to splain them but in my mind I got them all.
  21. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD BITCHES** Heres mine. 1- Sang: This isn't uncommon where I am from. But lotsa things have changed. Theres crap in everything. Bing press a button this. Bang press a button. Even the rain done changed and it feel so good when it fall but you aint got no idea whats really dropping on your coat these days ya dig? 2-Dancing lady 3-Does not care 4 5 6-Guilty 7 8 9 10 11 12 badluck-Dead after 6
  22. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear mud pud, My sister use to be like that. Now she's a teenager and wants nothing to do with me. B:"hello" A:"I am eating pizza. What do you want. " B:"where are you." A:"EATING PIZZA" <---sounds intoxicated B: "When are you coming home?" A: When I feel like it. Why dont you get off my back. I am with my friends." "Its hella late dude. Get home blah blah (big sister talk)" DIAL TONE. I kinda miss how annoying she use to be. Sympathizes-B.fish Dear sunny day today, I feel like I should be doing some kind of work. Instead of goofing off on the internet. But I cant think of any that needs to be done. The weather is mesmerizing -B.fish
  23. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear red eye manamil, Ive been trying to wrap my head around it. Impossible. Stressing me out. I give up on caring. Youre right though the cure is pretty simple but the pain when not treated is something furious. It's making me hate certain things about myself. Monday the doc is going to go around searching in the neither lands. She's then going to do something fancy (ultrasound). Hopefully I get to keep the pictures of my guts Fingers are crossed for something small and petty. -B.fish Ps. TMI? Sorry. I am more so saying all thee above to myself than to um you. But. So you feel included ... ^^^There's a really cute pirate dog picture. Just for you. (thanks for the hopefull words/support) Dear floor wax, The fumes you are emitting are making me a lil whoozy. Stop. Then go. Away-B.fish
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