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Banana fishd

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Everything posted by Banana fishd

  1. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear Boris, Questions? I am well versed in some things like frozen yogurt and one line drawings. Intrigued- B. fish
  2. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear stuffy apartment, Why is there no fan here!?! It's hotter in here than outside. Is the man in my life too cheap to buy the necessities for living in sacramento? Should I be concerned for the future? Wishing the walls could talk and tell me secretes- B. fish
  3. Lugr those pin will things turn into these.... They are tasty with chili. Vendor dudes sell them.
  4. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear Mr. Kobe- You are no longer an insomniac. What happened? All is well- B. fish
  5. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear nails, My you are getting pretty grodie. I am too poor right now to pay for the nail primping. Grow fast so I can tend to your ickyness. I promise I will never chew at you again. Notyourhombre-B. fish
  6. Start off the day here...again. Needs more spinach. They were doing this. I guess these are things big brothers do. Idk. Some muscle man threw the ball over the fence. Coaxed into catching: A: “ banana come play catch.” B: “No. No. I’d rather not….fine.” /gets up to play. Stands around as pictured. A: “Dad. Do you think this is a good throw?” C: “Uh. You throw like a girl-“ B: “She is a girl.” C: “Your arm’s all flailing and shit. Use your arm not your shoulder…but uh…it’s ok.” B: “Don't take offense. He use to crticize me pretty harshly back in the day too. It's just his way.” C: “Banana knew how to throw though. And man she had the best back kick of any three year old I ever met.” B: “How many three year olds do you know actually that can do a back kick?” C: “A few.” Sometimes I question my Father's statements. I don't remember ever doing any back kicks nor can I picture what that sorta thing looks like. I do remember him teaching me how to punch when I was five. It didnt do me much good either. I am a lover not a fighter. He also wasn't as harsh with me as he is to my sister. He was a lot more patient and instructive. Maybe because I am the oldest and his favorite. I throw like a girl. Went here. His roommate’s lady friend that’s “just his friend” was over waiting for him. I guess the only reason they are not a cute couple and all that is because her father is racist. He’s from Russia if that explains anything. I think she struggles with the situation pretty heavily: A: “I talked to Robert the other day about me and Leon. I was really encouraged.” C: “Why? What he say?” A: “Oh nothing really. Just ya know how in the beg we were both kinda stuck because we thought going against my parents would be a sin. But then the reason we couldn’t be together was over their sin. Does that make sense?” B: “Yup…wait no.” A: “We didn’t know if we could be together basically because my parents didn’t approve. But my parents don’t approve because they are racist. So we we are kinda stuck on what to do. Robert ended up telling me that either way it is my choice. That it isn’t a sin either way. Because I’ll get over Leon. I just need to have strength in Allah.” Sometimes it’s really hard for me to talk to other reformed Baptists. The way they talk is like a whole other language. For example when someone says I am really encouraged. That usually means I heard or experienced something that is provoking me to think a ton and now I can take it all in positively. There’s other things too. But I can’t think of them right now. One day I am gonna write a dummy’s guide to understanding the Christian language. I just gotta get to point in my life where I understand it all. B: “Hm. Do you think that is what this experience is trying to reinforce?” A: “Yes. Through this whole thing I’ve realized I don’t have enough faith. I mean I could get over Leon…it’s going to be hard. But with a lot of time I could. But I just don’t have enough strength in the lord that allows me to fully think that I could.” C: “Yeah you could get over him eventually. I had this gf once that I was with and I thought she was the end all be all. When we broke up it was really difficult but eventually I got over it.” B: “I know you are really close with your parents right?” A: “Yeah. We’re really close.” B: “And that’s why this is hard for you hm? Because you love them a whole lot and Leon too?” A: “I love them both a bunch.” B: “…I am thinking…if god provides means to conquer sin and racism is pretty bad-“ A: “Yes! It’s terrible.” B: “Right. Then wouldn’t this situation maybe be a way to uh soften their hearts and realize their sin? People have a funny way of learning things. Sometimes the lesson has to blow up in their face for them to get it.” /Using god talk. A: “Yes. I dunno. You’re right. But…I think all in all I am not ready to make a decision as of yet. I get really caught up in what is right. What is easiest for everyone. What will make them happy. I think about my dad and his family. 60 people practically on his side. All of them are racists. If I ended up defying my parents they’d all talk down on him and bad about me to him. I think about what that would do to him if he ended up excommunicating me from the family and then his own family in return ostracized him. What would that do to my mom? How would that be for my kids? And then what about Leon? Really I just need more time to really dig into the word and for prayer.” B: “ Hm. Yeah. Maybe you’re not ready to make any decisions right now. Maybe right now you are just prepping yourself for whatever decision you make.” A: “Yes.” B: “What have you been reading lately that is helping you?” And then by memory she told me it all. A couple days later she sent me a text telling me what she meant to say is simply I am just not strong enough to defy my parents. She’s a good egg. Even though I have to think twice as hard to figure out exactly what it is she is saying sometimes. We watched something off youtube about Monsato being harsh to farmers. Took a walk. This guy was pretty nice He didnt like my man friend so he jumped into my lap. It made me all googly. Eat here. One thing I realized through this thread is I eat out too much. I need to learn how to cook. Figure out a verse. Context,Concordence, blah blah. Went to work.
  7. These two are awesome. They still hold hands, and the grandpa can not hear too well so Mary Lou kindly repeats everything for him. The graduate to the far left. We leave back to Sacramento and go to another graduation for the graphic design students at sac state. My bf is uh "alumni" there so I guess that makes him inclined to attend such things. After all this school stuff I attended today…I figure I could do college. Maybe I’ll go back. Part ways. And hang out with this fanny. She likes to argue with me about stuff for some reason. I don’t really like it. Mainly because she's stubborn and goes to college. So she uses stupid statistics like "2/3's of people don’t actually think ahead when making decisions." When I ask her how these sorta tests come to their conclusions, she just tells me that these stats are facts and proven. I dunno I guess we never agree because I dont believe in statistics. I still enjoy her company despite it all. Thai ice tea...haha. Cali go to temple and try it! I thought this cat was fake. So I tapped the glass to see. It moved around a bit and went back into slumber land. He seemed like he would know what to do in a situation of crisis.
  8. Haha nah. I've been getting um Mexican hot coco and Thai iced teas lately. Bowl of soul is good. But I think it's my winter drink. We went to Daly (sp?) city for his sister's graduation. Started very early. I was nervous. I have a hard time interacting with the other family or just people in general. Breakfast of champions :S We traveled along side this car almost the whole way. I kept calling it the Tavola la. He kept correcting me. I think tavola la sounds way better than la tavola. Tons of traffic. I got bored. Still in the car. I am not allowed to smoke in the vehicle. I like the houses here. They are tiny and cute. Arrive. Meet up with his parentals. It's kinda weird being around them. Not in an awkward way. Just in a 'Oh I see now why he does this or that.' I started to pick up where he gets his sense of humor from and nervous tendencies. This graduation was silly. It made me realize how bad the Art Academy is. No ill intended towards anyone that has attended this school. My opinion doesn’t really matter or is it intended to suggest limiting the possibilities of an individual. I just got turned off by the lady in charge and her speech. All she gabbed about her school providing the students is CONECTIONS CONECTIONS CONECTIONS. And she kept talking about all the success that was in the room validated from awards and magazines. Never once did she talk about what it means to have work ethic, to care about what you do, or technique. We sat next to his grandma. She's one of the most delightful ladies ever: A: "________, here's a card I got you." C: "Oh thank you grandma." A: "It's just a lil' thank you card...for ya know...to thank you." C: (looks at it and softly) "For what?" He opened it later and it was a chunk of money so he could fix his hard drive. Mary lou is a good egg, with a big heart, she kinda spoils him though. I think maybe it's because he calls her at least once a week and talks to her like she's human. Also why do old ladies always have really nice handwriting? We leave to another city to go to some restaurant. We got lost. Google maps are kinda weird sometimes. Found our way. Pay for parking.
  9. Buffalo, Tonay (thats pronounced Toe-naaaaye), Coco butter, Blue. I am no good with names. Congrats on your new edition.
  10. I wish this elevator worked. They have a bunch of these chairs lying around too. I want one. She was really nervous. I thanked roommate friend kindly for being so patient and nice. Head back home.
  11. may 18 Go pick up my sister. A lion eating a cheetah. We took the dog for a walk. He scares my dog. Went to get coffee. When I came outside this lady was talking to the novio and my sister. She wanted to pet my dog. Phil got scared. She was actually really nice. Her name was Roseanna and she told us she worked as an undercover something or other to catch drug dealers and chil' molesters. Her ancestors were from Spain and a small town in northern spain was named after her great grandfather. She wanted to pet my dog because it reminded her of her's that passed CHA CHA. I enjoyed her conversation however true or not true some of the content was. Nerds. My sister does this thing where she makes up characters and uh..."acts" them out for weeks on end. One of her characters is Can Man. He's a 38 year old super hero, who's large, balding and sucks at being a superhero. My cousin (AKA The Claw) is her arch nemesis, secretly they are best friends. One thing they agree to accomplish together is playing jokes on Can Man's sidekick Bozmo and making this sidekick's life miserable (guess who's Bozmo). My brother is chicken boy and my boyfriend is Christian destruction man. Recently she added a new "character" to her crew. Thee American Spirit. My dog. She's been doing stuff like this since she was a kid. She's 16 now and still pretending. She made plans the next day to play the music with my boyfriend's roommate. I had to take her to his studio thing. When we got to her house she was eating this pizza and not ready. We went to his practice space that he shares with another band. I think they only pay 50 dollars each for it. They have a canoe in here. This place use to be an office. The owner previous never took out any of their crap so there’s a bunch of random things lying around. I think the canoe though belongs to someone who rents the studio. I remember him telling me he canoed his way to band practice once. I went out exploring.
  12. Re: I wanna see your...........PETS! Oh I dunno. I just thought you were kinda a hard ass that didn't think too much about certain things. No offense. All has changed. To me it takes a certain amount of insight and awareness to own an animal. It's like taking care of a baby maybe? :lol: (ferret saving the day. Who woulda thunk?) After I saw Suki's car seat for her pugs I started thinking about buying one. Because if we ever got in an accident it be really upsetting if something happen to Phil. I dunno though if he'd like it. He gets pretty nervous in the car. Sitting up front with me and my sister helps him calm down and enjoy him self. I'd like to think I am a good driver; that I'd grab hold of him. But...you can only do so much with two hands. Smoking, driving, and holding a pup would cause me to fall short in a sticky situation. I am thinking maybe of dropping a habit and doing a bit more research into this carseat business.
  13. Stan!!! What is this precious delicious looking morsel called? Did you make it? I am out of the loop. All I know is that I want one.
  14. A friend gave me these for my birthday. I finally got her gift maybe two weeks ago. I am half way through the first one and contemplating even beginning to read the second.
  15. haha. Nah I think what you described is one of the perks that the drive in offers. There was actually a couple going at it when me and dude first arrived. I thought it was romantic/funny. Dude screamed like a girl and said it was indecent. That was his first time going to the drive in. Oh and btw. That rest I flicked was the one I was talking to you about. It's in the heights so it's fairly cheap but really good. If we ever go on our hood adventure we should dine there. Chops I am gonna go drink drain-o now. :( Rip awesome rabbit.
  16. Haha. Go visit that rabbit. And report back here with photos of said awesome rabbit please.
  17. I am fully engaged with another so I can not. ;) But thank you for the consideration chops.
  18. Classy that bike foto is the trips. Day off. Thursday. I woke up really early. and met up with a friend for coffee. Then we ate here for cheap. It was delio. I was so excited for my thai ice tea. Thats why this photo is all blurry and dumb. Cigarette break. We walked around being nerds photographing. Him more so than I. Bee's having a drink. Went home ran into my neighbor. Then took this guy to Amtrak because he's going to some gay thing in L.A. He's been drinking nothing but shakes and eating protein bars for the past month. Prepping. Then tried to meet up with the novio. He was suppose to be at his moped shenannyginas you see above. He was not there. So... I do what I usaully do and sat on the side smoking talking to this fine gentle lady above. We were going to go straight to the drive in. But my father called me and let me know he was in town. I decided to go visit him for a bit. The antagonizing of my sister progresses. Mad. She's on a foot ball kick as of late. I love the drive in! Only 14 dolla dolla for two people and two movies. Snack ums. I use to go to this drive in when I was a kid. And play on these swings. He fell asleep. What a date. We watched star trek. I actually liked it. Even though some things about space and stuff confused me. I recommend it : )
  19. Re: I wanna see your...........PETS! Swamp I see you in a totally new light now that I know you have a ferret. They're really cute though. I'd get one one day. But I think they are illegal here in CA.
  20. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear Marco, You are amazing. In a chipper mood- B. fish
  21. Re: I wanna see your...........PETS! I took him to the groomers. They convinced me a "lion cut" would be best. I dont think he likes it.
  22. We head back to dudes apartment. And decided to go to a show his roomate was doing. Guy was playing with no shoes. I had to have my friend explain this to me: B: “Leon. Why is that man playing with no shoes on?” A: “Oh. Sometimes people do that because (explains process I don’t remember). But uh I think he’s just doing that because he was wearing sandals before the show started.” B: “Oh.” A diamond in the rough. Big crowds make me nervous. Friends band that he helps out played. The sound was kinda funks. Cops came and shut them down. I should have went to go see if the cops had mustaches. Got my brother a jacket. I found out later that my boyfriend told him to spend the night at his house. I wish they would have told me sooner. I spent that whole night racking my brain trying to figure out how he was going to make smoars with a lighter. Ate. I am really short. Then I went to work and passed out sitting in my chair in the office.
  23. Things are looking good up in these parts of thee oontz gentleman (and ladies). Fruity your move looked pleasant. I hope your stay there on the other side of the country is as well. : ) I have not been posting as of late because my days have been kinda hectic/ busy. They're making me some what self conscious. I tried to sleep. I think I only got about two hours before my Ma called me: A: "You better get over here and talk to your brother." B: "Why what happened?" A: "Hell if I know. Damn kids on drugs." B: "I'll be over there in a bit." A: "Better get here quick. I already called the cops on him. They're taking their damn time getting here though." B:*groan. "I’m coming over. Don’t do anything." Rush. Throw on whatever. Don’t even brush teeth (ew). I hate doing that. Whenever I run through things related to appearance that quickly I feel grimy and blah for the whole day. It's silly. My sister was out front doing what she does. Smoke. My aunt (his guardian) asks me to take him somewhere. As we leave my ma confronts a communal decision: A: " You better not leave with that heathen." B: "Tia said it was ok. I think it's best he leaves here for a bit." A: "That kid's on drugs." B: "No ma he isn't." A: "Ta hell he aint. I am calling the cops if you leave with him." B:* sigh "Do what you have to do." My ma calls the cops for everything. I presume the record the authorities have on her house defeats in pages Mein Kampf. Which is why I think it takes them a good minute or so to get to her house. Heaven forbid anything serious happens and we actually need them. We'd have to fend for ourselves. I eventually have to meet up with the police at some 7 11. I am too sleepy to write out the conversation but they were pretty nice. I guess the police are doing this thing my boyfriend likes to call mustache may this month. Because they all had facial hair above their lips. One cop in particular had a really nice one but he was an asshole and a dipshit. Thank goodness he wasn't the officer called to tend to my mother's concerns. He just happened to be at the 7 11 buying a big gulp and felt the need to come talk to Bob and Larry: A: "I just got done 51-50ing this guy digging out a trashcan." Bob: "Oh really." A: "Yeah man. The crazy thing is I had no handcuffs! Those damn idiots at the mental place kept my handcuffs from the last time I 51-50 someone. So I am shining my lights on this guy while he's digging in a trashcan and I go to arrest him. But I aint got no handcuffs. I didn't want him to know that so I just got him to get in the car at gun point (laughs). Tried to call back up but ya know that takes forever." Bob: "Yeah sometimes it can take awhile." Bob kinda forces himself to half smile. A: "So what's going on here?" (Slurps big gulp) Bob: "Oh nothing. Just that young gentleman talking to Larry got in a fight with his grandma...I just told his sister to take him in tonight. Here." Bob hands dumb policeman handcuffs. A:"Oh thanks." Bob: "No problem. Just get them back to me tomorrow. (Diverts attention to me) Your gonna be ok right? You can take him in tonight." B: "Sure." I lie. I have no idea where this kids gonna sleep tonight because two days prior he got in a hissy at my place and got in a huge fight with another resident. So my place was out of the question. I started thinking maybe I could get him some stuff to make s'moars or something. Then he wouldn’t feel so bad about having to sleep in my car. Ya know try to make light out of sticky situation. Bob: "Okay thanks for coming to meet me." A: "Thank you..." We leave and my brother decides he's hungry. This kid loves Chinese food so we pick up dudeface and head to the mayflower. We usually say stuff like: "Yo allah thanks for feeding us today" before we eat. I always pray with my eyes open and usually get made fun of for it. We fine dine with thee upper class. The happy couple. Once the bill and fortune cookies were brought over my brother dug right into the fortune cookies. The one he originally opened shot across the table and hit me in the head. They all laughed at my expense: A: "Yo you can have that." B: "Gee thanks." A: "No really. Maybe you were meant to have it bananers." C: "Open it." (still laughing) It's true. I am a big baby. My brother's. Ciggy after meal. We went to go get coffee. My little brother skated for awhile. Leap of faith. Minus the topsy but curvey.
  24. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear Boris, You work with warner brothers? I don’t believe you You down with jamie foxx? I don’t believe you Youse a druglord? I don’t believe you You pay your mortgage? i don’t believe you You datin fine chicks? I don’t believe you You travel solo kid? i don’t believe you You smackin anybody? I don’t believe you You got your own label? I don’t believe you You say you never lease? i don’t believe you Gucci makes it rain on your forehead- B. fish
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