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internet predator

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Everything posted by internet predator

  1. It's not a cap that makes that... And people who know keep it a secret.
  2. Serb! Better handstyles and most fools burners!
  3. I'm thinkin' I might try my luck at hoppin freights. It's something I really want to do, but without a someone to help I'm almost certain I'll end up in some fucked place for weeks not knowing where I am going or where I am even. Anyone willing to partner up or something?
  4. Jorge is putting in work...
  5. Ps lets keep this thread moving with flicks.... Quality ones. Paintin Manning I know you have more to let out.
  6. Re: Freight WholeCars & E2Es FUCK YES!
  7. I have to agree with this is some aspect. I have looked onlive for spots... almost all my spots were found that way. Itdoes take a degree of dedication to figure out what spots are still active and what aren't. Where you can and can not paint. I for one track my cars, know they types and do as much research as I can. But why not use the internet to figure some things out. It's an awesome resource to ignore. I still have a lot to learn but I'm not stoping anytime soon.
  8. Lots of Dying Fetus (again) Origin and some Dubsteb stuff.
  9. This isn't so much what I'm doing as to what I just encountered. Some dude just ran into my work drunk as fuck. Screaming about how he needs Vitamin Water and Gatorade, someting about how he is at work and doesn't want his boss to know he is drunk. I couldn't really hear it all since I work in the back however I could here some though since he was screaming. It was silent for about 30 seconds until I hear the same voice just scream "Fuck." The dude busts through the door into the back (where I work) goes into the bathroom and starts barfing. I'm not sure how but he had the most intense sound coming out of him as if he had a megaphone projecting the sound of him puking. After about 5 minutes of that the dude staggers out and see's me. He says "Sorry about that homie, but for real y'll mufuckas ain't got not Vitamins Waters?" This dude just made my day.
  10. Lets get back to posting some good flicks again...
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