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Everything posted by SMdoubleXL

  1. Fawk @glorydays not even gonna open that
  2. Was introduced to Tito’s last year and mad that it hadn’t been sooner
  3. @Drue_Down guess what showed up on my feed ?
  4. That’s beautiful @One Man Banned
  5. @whereI just wanted some whiskey and I ain’t even picky. I had a drink to toast New Years but other than that I cant remember. currently no drink. No smoke. No sex. * it’s character building, right?
  6. Looks like I have two options. FullSizeRender.mov
  7. @where there has to be. I saw a clip on the (upcoming) news about how liquor stores are “keeping up with demand” and it showed people in an actual store
  8. It means PA is old and behind the times haha. mom used to Vegas where you could buy liquor at even certain 7-11s even.
  9. Trying to make a back up plan Walked up to the liquor store and fucking forgot PA liquor stores are state ran
  10. I was supposed to have my graduation ceremony today. but I have a dream job and we already did honors recognition it just would have been nice to see my classmates and instructors all together at once
  11. @glorydaysthis is my second pair and they are completely different form the first. some things I’m not meant to understand I guess :shrug:
  12. you can hear them walk on the concrete. Little clickity click feet scurrying away.
  13. mind you I was sitting amongst plants all day. Didn’t really interact with others and had no speaker in my room i was spacing the plants -moving them around, so naturally- discovered an odd mutation on a plant We just had some brackets installed for the netting to be set up and I kept f going bumping into it and was cussing then that fucking song @abrasivesaintposted rears it’s ugly head. Damn you on my way home -it’s raining and thought it would be nice to lay up next to someone tonight i smell like weed so bad already and our plants haven’t even flowered yet and all my work clothes stay at work And thought I need to get my own place soon before this lady thinks I’m in here with a good stash these are the only songs that ran though my head for 8 hours.
  14. I know I’ve seen a few videos of people catching a scorpion then putting a drop of lavender directly on the scorpion. I guess it attacks is nervous system and it completely bugs out then dies.
  15. @Drue_Down for some reason the link won’t paste but here’s a few preventative methods. I’m all about hammer/shovel/boots but maybe to plan for next year’s emergence to help decrease numbers put a few birds feeders up, possibly
  16. I questioned it myself after @glorydayspost edit: im listening to all the songs posted this morning/on my way to work and gonna report back if any of them played up in my head edit edit: I’m not gonna be able to squeeze @Fist 666selection but I’m sure I heard enough to grant that fuck you
  17. stg I must have read this a dozen times. Stepped away and read a few more times then I fucking got it. I’m so disappointed in myself. 12 oz taught me better than that
  18. Give it a few years and I’m sure that stake placement will be pretty close to my stomach.
  19. Was I even in Vegas at that point? I think I was close to moving and that was all I was focused on. I think.
  20. @~KRYLON2~ im not mad that a few of those will get stuck in my head.
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