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Everything posted by SMdoubleXL

  1. one thing I learned after living across from a cemetery for a few years is the floral scent fills the air stronger on Mother’s Day than any other holiday
  2. Walkin down the hill from work already today. and reality hit me. There is no way I could have predicted I would be right here, right now. Like walking back from work on some backroad outside of the city of Pittsburgh -and I have no idea how i got here. 100% instinct. like I just got up and left everything I know and own I’m also real good at act first then react later. and it’s just catching up to me.
  3. Yo-I got almost 9 whole fucking hours of sleep last night.
  4. Oh. I know how to have a good time
  5. How many fucking holes does the illustrator think we have?
  6. I’m gonna guess to help with Ingrown toenails
  7. outlining the SOPs I was asked to make by the COO who asked me to stay until he got there so he can tell me in person that he is impressed and I’ve caught the attention of others above me. he wants me to write out, “every single fucking thing you’re doing so we can make sure everyone else’s does it the same”. taking this job was one of theee boldest moves I’ve ever made and I told them I wasn’t fuckin playin.
  8. This momma goose took her babies (top left of this pic)up a boat ramp and got to a corner of the lot that she would normally just fly over the side but she had her babies with her. There were a handful of geese that came down river and the one in the water stopped right where he was, aligned with where she was but I don’t think they could see each other. He stayed right in that spot just staring up. she came closer to me with her babies near and walked around me -I might have been a bit nervous. IMG_6295.MOV IMG_6296.MP4 The others are swimming below and she walks with her babies onto this fishing spot (deck/dock/pier...?) . They are honking below-I thought to try to convince the babies to jump ...? IMG_6297.MP4 She walks off the spot and one baby jumps! the other follows her back then her dumbass jumps in the water, leaving the second baby up here all alone. myself and another onlooker look at each other like wtf are we supposed to do? FullSizeRender.mov they just continue to honk at the baby. well, I was putting this on my Snap and it stopped recording right before he jumped in -naturally IMG_6299.MP4 he jumped in and they swam back up river to their lil kick it spot IMG_6300.MP4 but look how proud he is IMG_6301.MP4 the end
  9. depends on what you consider downside? -restricted water use. -putting them heater on in your car to keep it from overheating when it’s already 120 out -ever have your keys leave a burn mark? -once the sun is down , it does not automatically drop a few degrees. 100f at 3am -October and April are absolutely beautiful (but I’m biased) 😎
  10. when I lived out in Mesa for a short while it def became obvious. Whenever I visit a city -downtown is usually a destination. I like grimy ass downtowns -but Phoenix was the cleanest I’ve ever seen. Not a sticker or tag even. But Vegas also has a whole underground city which holds the majority of graffiti history down there.
  11. so what is this?? I got it too
  12. I smell like weed, tough, and we’re only a week into flower
  13. @Schnitzelworth typing cuz it was worth reading
  14. Thank you. It’s worth the stare from people when your rollin round in the wet grass hahaha
  15. @misteraveniiiiiiits oddly entertaining.
  16. @misteravenhave you ever seen that Documentary? (“I think we’re alone now”)
  17. FullSizeRender.mov
  18. took my lil macro lens clip to work today because we have some Pre flowering going on it was also very foggy this morning which is one of my favorite things here. fog +macro is even better spider web before shot from yesterday today some folks they to flex their shoe game liquor store is open but for curbside only. Wasn’t wanting anything anymore
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