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Everything posted by SMdoubleXL

  1. summer shave down. They are getting really good at letting me shave them
  2. My kid and I are gonna catch the tail end of his show today or tmrw. I’ll def get some flix to post
  3. Hold up tax agent? Girl Scouts? I get it -a lil something for Girl Scouts prolly makes me feel special but folded setting them up foul as far as expectations in life tax dude? Am I missing something? I paid my tax guy waaaaayyyy to fucking much to be adding gratuity on there I worked in the service industry. I WORKED for my tips and never expected them. The same way I approach any service provider. a while ago in Vegas I started seeing top jars at the lil smog check booths. Or even the fucking fro yo places WHERE YOU SERVE YOURSELF and as much as I support and love my weed I have a hard time tipping the bud tender (I still do tho) becaue I would never tip my pharmacist. from here out it’s bare minimum and I carry a few bucks around to hit that “no tip” button shamelessly. earn your tip
  4. True. many times for many different reasons TPBM still has a few VHS tapes somewhere in their house
  5. Ayyyyeeeeee glad to see that SAVME and FEKTO burnin still. Worthy
  6. I’ve done west to east east to west a handful of times avoid Kansas
  7. Fuck this job haha I’m staying in the nursery as “operational changes” are underway. I’m pretty sure I made the wrong decision Either way I’m taking a few days off this week off. My daughter is in town. And I keep adding days to take off. Haha. im resetting myself. Re evaluating what matters. And moving forward. mira Gonna be a Job from here out and I’ll treat it like such. this time with my kid has been clutch tho. thank you for checkin in.
  8. You got it man. in Philly FDR skate park this past February his friend did these right? Still there
  9. I knew going into my eval where our company sits (for the most part) financially and as far as positions go. I took this time to think. I didn’t talk to anyone about it. I didn’t want any outside influences I decided to ask them to create me a higher position if one is not available or I’m going to continue moving forward with switching departments. I sent that email last night.
  10. I miss Danny TONS!! he was my foundation in Pittsburgh and had my back long before I moved here. Nobody is as inspiring as him and all he wanted to do was connect people. I met him through 12 he offered to be a contact for my kid when she decided to go to college in PGH. So she could reach out for anything. Celebrated all 4th of July’s here in PGH with Danny (since living here) def have snatched up some tees and cherish anything given to me by him. my kid is coming back to PGH next week and we’re gonna catch the tail end of the show. im sorry dude. I’m sorry for your family. I’m sorry the city took such a hit. You can feel it. he’s amazing. rip Danny. love you guy
  11. I told them my frustrations and we laid out some plans to work at eliminating them. They allowed me to be real as fuck with them. I even threw the words “favoritism” and “discrimination” out there. we’ll see.
  12. yes. Most likely. Just start wearing slides to get things you want, now I need to know if you were with yourself or your girl tho? Pretty bold of her if your girl was with you. This is exactly what it is. sizing you up. Feet are the ultimate hygiene check, also, btw. so I sat at my meeting and they start with “we don’t want you to leave the nursery” “we value you” ”your co workers look up to you” “no one does it like you” me “how the fuck am I suppose to know this”? (lots of talk in between) “Will you give us two more weeks in the nursery before you make up your mind ultimately”? We all know things will be so good for this first week. but I really want to love my job again so this is fair to me.
  13. just like that, there’s a meeting scheduled first thing Monday with myself, manager, super and cult director.
  14. I feel this and my compensation is coming to me. the reason I’m upset about this evaluation is that I got marks on things that I have been saying is an issue and this co worker is making my job twice as hard. I’m a damn good worker. I’m not a complainer. I’ll bring an issue to you with a few probable solutions and iifyou don’t try to fix the problem I’ll hand your ass to you. this scenario repeated itself today. I emailed hr she emailed me back I spoke with this person prior to my eval and told him I’m super un happy in the nursery and it will depend on my evaluation. I’ll keep you posted. ps. I’m the only one who does what I do. As on point as I do it. im bout to find out how much they value me. It’s a bold move. 1 of three things could happen. they hear me out and favor me and what I want or the move me over because our SC is desperate and a key dept. (shipping product out) or they fire me. (I’ve seen em do some petty shit before) I really used to massively in love with my job and I want that back. My whole team knows I’m not the same person.
  15. True. tpbm can get more shit done before 9am than the rest of the day
  16. There were 4 of us that opened the grow. Only 4 of us for 6 months. After a year (about 15 total employees) they thought titles are necessary now. we’ve been running as a start up so nothing was really in stone about schedules and positions and such. I have 1 person over me in the nursery so they put me as a lead along with 1 other. (E-4mafia status again) We just wanted to get up and running. Plus cultivation director who split his time in another state. New facility. New mechanics and on a “figure it out as you go” type level of bullshit from our CD We’ve had a few re arrangements up above us so they decided that we are too heavy and removed “lead” from our position (same pay) but to still respect seniority. I was way ok with it because I know my place there. the newest lead didn’t get the memo. (Also put up a fight to keep the “lead” title. She whines a lot. Hardly puts in work and makes sure her initials appear on everything so it appears she is busy. I’ve talked to my super over and over about this and she’s a pushover BIG TIME and gives EVERYONE every benefit of the doubt I’m making plans and if they can’t see my value then I’ll move it somewhere else. they might lose a good worker. We’re starting on phase 3 of the grow and after that’s done we would have doubled from 6 flower rooms to 12 I manage the moms that provide the clones for the clones that will fill those rooms (near 1000 a room)
  17. I am faaaaaarrrrr from the backbone of that company but I have been there since the 2nd day after they germinated the first seeds for our first production hire not higher then.
  18. Thank you @mr.yuck i get it. Also if you get 5s across the board you automatically get a substantial raise. I’ll give a few specifics “I come across harsh” i told her I’ve heard that for the last twenty years since I’ve developed a facial palsy which made certain words hard to pronounce and my face impossible to read. Especially since I’m physically incapable of smiling. So yes. I am very direct because I have to make sure my words come out clear. Also. When your soft-people take advantage of you. Which I feel the nursery is doing to me. she had no idea how to respond. my responsibilities have dramatically increased now that we are bringing all of our strains out of tissue culture. The room I mostly care for has brand new tiny plants up to big ass moms. 20 stains minimum at any time. 3-4 of each strain. she said I spent too much time in there and need a broader, big picture goal for the nursery. bitch. I built that nursery. Employee #5 at the grow. (Current 75 ish) and I run circles around most. On Saturday it is my self and my tech in the nursery. We accomplish more with 2 of us as opposed to full staff of 7 in the nursery. I didn’t say that of course Im venting however. One of our other departments are hiring. It has nothing to do with plants. I chatted with them boys a bit and told them depending how my eval went I may consider. I’ve been not too happy in the nursery. Ya know that co worker that finds a way to get out of most work but knows how to look busy ? that.
  19. “High”er date. Haha. don’t know if that was intentional but it’s funny what is not funny was my evaluation. I am not happy the person who did my evaluation is around 3 days of my work week and rarely sees me work. told me I should be happy becaue I got the highest marks in the grow. nope. Like. Big no. will circle back after deep thought how to handle this. unfortunately, for them. I’m very demanding. Not afraid of confrontation, and I usually end up getting my way. whole staff gets cost of living increase but we’re still in the red so merit raises are “coming” I make more them most there. I’m good with that.
  20. Evaluation day y’all. 2 yrs and a few months with this company. Ive gotten pay bumps but no one has ever gave me an evaluation on paper or in person. I have one super and one manager above me. (And our new cultivation director) ps. I’ve never been evaluated. Ever. I’ve been an independent contractor up until employment with this company.
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