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Everything posted by TONY MAYO

  1. going down on your mom is def not gay unless you got tits
  2. Lugr you crazy for this one! Me and my friends have been laughing at that video for so long that we no longer talk about eating burgers, we just kick'em :lol: :lol: :lol: #Coolstorybro #Propd #SCAG
  3. It's not gay if you're not


    spider thread, spider thread
  5. He's a Norga (short for Norwegian Nurga) :cool: #SCAG (Short for Scandinavian Swag)
  6. Change R to N, proceed to feed it
  7. Not Nikes though, their manufacturing process includes fire too
  8. False. I am the person below you. TPBM is a TPWF
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hP0kWqJJZa4
  10. His manifesto is a big Unabomber ripoff, fuck you Morg, get your own manifesto'n shit
  11. I didn't say a word about Amurricana.. it's all about Norway dude
  12. This is all kinds of fucked up. Almost a hundred people dead! Here's some info Norwegian media is saying that the shooter, Anders Behring Breivik - 32, is a far right nationalist radical, his facebook and twitter activity suggests anti muslim and anti multi-cultural views. He was trained in the Norwegian army, is a member of an Oslo firearms club and has several guns registered in his name. In 2009 he bought a plot of land outside Oslo and claimed he was going into business growing vegetables. This enabled him to buy the fertilizer needed to build the bomb with out raising suspicions of the law. He allegedly bought up to 6 tons of the stuff. The Labour party in Norway are moderate lefties. In Scandinavia the extreme right often blame social democrats such as the Norwegian Labour Party for immigration problems and undermining good ol' scandi way of life. So targeting them would make sense to someone like Breivik. After the bombing in downtown Oslo he went to Utoya Island dressed as a cop. He asked to address the people there about the bombing. Once the people had gathered around he opened fire, witnesses say they heard him screaming "I'll kill you all". Other witnesses say he appeared very calm as he started the attack. But Breivik's motives remain unclear for the moment. There are also speculations about a 2nd gunman on the Utoya Island where several witnesses claim they saw another shooter and/or heard gunshots coming from different directions. Fuuuuuu..
  13. One - double 0 - One bishez
  14. /nosarcasm /actuallyaprettycoolstorybro /couldn'tresistoppertunitytouseObamacoolstorybropic
  15. never seen a dude's backside before? /nohomer /go mavs /fuck you LJ
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