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Everything posted by MedicineCabinet

  1. never knew. this knowledge will also help you throughout life
  2. yeah, some of the gifs i posted werent working tot_poker, my bads for the repost. didnt see
  3. nice in the summer, i tried this irish potato pizza, which was basically topped with fries drizzled with sour cream, then garnished. no bacon, though :spent3:
  4. contemplating on watching an episode of pigs/old simpsons or going to sleep
  5. guess thats good if youre in a band or some shit, but its fucked up how kids in the future probably wont even know how to tune a guitar by ear
  6. Re: random thoughts shouldnt have gotten an extra dipping sauce
  7. Re: random thoughts so overdue for a good mushroom trip summers gonna be awesome
  8. got fried at my friends & watched terminator 2. fuck, thats a long movie. still dope, though eating pizza now.. chicken, red onion, & mushroom
  9. watching/skimming through this for the first time
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