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Everything posted by MedicineCabinet

  1. Re: random thoughts paul laffoley paints dope shit
  2. twas pretty much posted for you definitely peep it when you can.. dont think youll be disappointed
  3. pretty good, but i basically just want to travel more. feel stuck, but ill figure it out
  4. The Prestige is a 2006 British-American film directed by Christopher Nolan, from a screenplay adapted by Nolan and his brother Jonathan Nolan from Christopher Priest's 1995 World Fantasy Award-winning novel of the same name. The story follows Robert Angier and Alfred Borden, rival stage magicians in London at the end of the 19th century. Obsessed with creating the best stage illusion, they engage in competitive one-upmanship with tragic results. The film features Hugh Jackman as Robert Angier, Christian Bale as Alfred Borden, and David Bowie as Nikola Tesla. It also stars Michael Caine, Scarlett Johansson, Piper Perabo, Andy Serkis, and Rebecca Hall. The film reunites Nolan with actors Bale and Caine from Batman Begins, and returning cinematographer Wally Pfister, production designer Nathan Crowley, film score composer David Julyan, and editor Lee Smith.
  5. false kind of fucked up that they shaved your head while you were sleeping, even if it was a mullet. that woulda bothered the shit outta me tpbm wears a helmet cam to fancy restaurants
  6. You’ve seen this since elementary school: This is what the world actually looks like: Germany is nowhere near the center, Alaska could fit inside Mexico, Africa is gigantic. http://www.worldmapper.org/display.php?selected=1 The Peters Projection World Map is one of the most stimulating, and controversial, images of the world. When this map was first introduced by historian and cartographer Dr. Arno Peters at a Press Conference in Germany in 1974 it generated a firestorm of debate. The first English-version of the map was published in 1983, and it continues to have passionate fans as well as staunch detractors. The earth is round. The challenge of any world map is to represent a round earth on a flat surface. There are literally thousands of map projections. Each has certain strengths and corresponding weaknesses. Choosing among them is an exercise in values clarification: you have to decide what's important to you. That is generally determined by the way you intend to use the map. The Peters Projection is an area accurate map. The Peters Map and The Mercator Map Which is bigger, Greenland or China? With the traditional Mercator map (circa 1569, and still in use in many schoolrooms and boardrooms today), Greenland and China look the same size. But in reality China is almost 4 times larger! In response to such discrepancies, Dr. Arno Peters created a new world map that dramatically improves the accuracy of how we see the Earth. Mercator's projection (created at a time when navigators were sailing on the oceans in wooden ships, powered by the wind, and navigating by the stars) was particularly useful because straight lines on his projection were lines of constant compass bearing. Today the Mercator projection still remains useful for navigational purposes and is referred to by seafarers and airline pilots. The Mercator is also a "conformal" map projection. This means that it shows shapes pretty much the way they appear on the globe. The mapmaker's dilemma is that you cannot show both shape and size accurately. If you want a true shape for the land masses you will necessarily sacrifice proportionality, i.e., the relative sizes will be distorted. http://www.petersmap.com/
  7. im good, man. how you also been? sucks about that calf muscle. itll get better soon, hopefully. just slipped on ice & got a minor sprain on my knee as well
  8. someone neg you? whatsgood/whodunit? edit* oh, you meant the gif above. nvms
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