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Everything posted by MedicineCabinet

  1. jokes. but in all three volumes, a kingler got his left claw ripped out? no wonder he or she or it is pissed. adult goosebumps all the crab meat inside that would be nice
  2. five bigass mildly spicy drumsticks & a ginger beer
  3. trutis. agreed on the would-be hypocrisy if one couldnt see fast food as an addiction while hating on cigs. its just more disturbing when its health care professionals because you know, doctors take an oath to uphold life & all that, i think.. but actions speak louder than words, so at the end of the day if one is doing that to themselves, how would that maybe effect the way they see life? idk. yeah, theyre stressed & shit. clearly have to be because theyre cutting up live bodys daily & are fucked in the head
  4. must spread, always felt like that too. smoking is pretty stupid in general. i mean, everyone has their nervous habits, whether it be clicking on a pen, shaking a leg, or biting their nails, but paying money to some dickhead for detriment to my life takes the cake of idiocy
  5. shitty a crab with a shank. whys the right claw so much bigger? get yer perspective repz up
  6. recently recommended to me. yeah, hes definitely pimpin never heard them, but lol @the name dirt platoon. its like, who wants their son to be in a gang called dirt platoon
  7. sometimes i think of shit during the day & throw it here, but its mostly just whatever bullshit on the spot lol @ one chopping up their dump tpbm has found a few m&m survivors & have reestablished them into the hive amongst the guest room m&m bowl
  8. trufal, dropped out of that too tpbm broke up their poo to see if there were any m&m survivors
  9. think some of them probably might be worth some moneys. idk, though what has been good doppe. you should definitely find that & wear it as youre pretending to push a pull door. or just wear definitely. he basically has a few different settings, all with his style of characters.. theres ones its just like anthropomorphic animals, cave men, modern life with random people, & etc never seen his shit, but jim jefferies makes me shake my head. the people laughing at him must be even more fucked
  10. pizza cones have been around for a few years mebe, but shit.. they do look amazing hahaha jokes yes would definitely try this.. definitely not the first ever as stated in there, but the cheeseburger pizza looks next level. not into out there pizzas that much, but the apple and pulled pork (apple obviously being the weird shit) one looks really good too. cant get shit like that here for 20 bucks at a restaurant, thats for sure
  11. word to the house hippo.. cool you caught that. made me wish upon a pet house hippo myself as a youth. feeding them chips woulda been fun also, three tits - wow. the future is now. the future too
  12. the pokedex is missing a list of nutritional value per mon
  13. whilst singing, "napster still owes me money"
  14. definitely kinda just went down the list of the first generation with the kitchen in mind lol. then did it again after you mentioned your additions to the menu brock was related to harry from 3rd rock from the sun. maybe idk, always just enjoyed peas. especially steamed & mixed into mashed taters far side is seriously the shit.. my 2nd favourite comic, next to calvin & hobbes (not even that into comics or anything). mad hours wasted as a youth, just flipping through & cracking up. countless people have shamelessly bitten gary larsons steez & its sort of become a category of its own, but his original works stay shining to this day have posted this one before but shit still cracks me up jokes. exeggutor executive island platter exeggcute, its predecessor can be utilized as an omelet here at the 445 farm, we pride ourselves on our wide selection of free range pokemon i would just start playing metallica on my last day. you have the hair for it
  15. thats a lot of arugula. would probably just fold it over & eat it like a salad taco
  16. neither did i; its from one of those videos that tells you where famous songs were sampled from. lots of good originals to be rediscovered currently listening to nada
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