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Everything posted by MedicineCabinet

  1. this game is fun somebody make a thread
  2. ill try to do one of these shits again soon & looks like a br0tastic time, lewis
  3. those nipples on that last page coulda stunt doubled as 2 ents in LOTR
  4. i purchased 2 subway tokens off a batshit crazy homeless woman for $3 (2 for 1) tonight
  5. happy birthday stop living in perpetual misery
  6. graffti only counts if my 9000 flickr friends can see it
  7. laughter is healthy moar fl!cks
  8. this was one of them lold & threw it away condoms suck
  9. what a cute thread precious moments
  10. fuck, i'm in the same situation. i'm about to turn em in to radio shack tommorow and get a gift certificate. every pair of earphones ive owned did this after about a month or two it displeases me greatly /2centsin1pagelate
  11. THEN THINK FASTER & ive stopped wearing deodorant completely
  12. reflecting on all that went wrong last night & how shitty it still feels
  13. :D calls are charged at local rates
  14. a pictures of blakedewdoner with a broken face & this thread will be complete
  15. missed everything... good read another life ruined (what was left of, anyway); good job br0s her babys social life is already in shambles :lol: she mad
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