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Everything posted by MedicineCabinet

  1. "word" to this guy hah, waterloo...
  2. relaxing at home tonight... tumbleweed & samurai champloo
  3. the original dude who PMd me with the link - it did not work, but thank you for the effort
  4. anyone have a good link for conan the barbarian?
  5. as far as animal sculptures for city pride go... ours is the moose most of them are gone, smashed, or have their antlers ripped out... there are still a few, though rare also, that rooster thing is cool
  6. who am i? how did i get here? help...
  7. tried to penetrate via cheezesteak... did not work, due to inauthentic/sub-par rolls
  8. dress like any scrawny/pasty tpfw who appears to be dying of AIDS & throw some glitter on top... deadmau5, easy
  9. who watered this shit down? the caption is "hurry up, nigga" fail
  10. allwhitepeoplelookthesame, is that the actor who played as jonah takalua? requesting the name of that show please
  11. which reminds me, i had street meat for the 1st time in like 4-5 years...
  12. fuck off with power-posting that shit
  13. also, did you see the haunted sidewalk mirror hall shit? oddly enough,; they were using an old scam canvas to hold a part of their flimsy frame together shame
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