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Everything posted by MedicineCabinet

  1. until i was like 19-20, there was this frumpy middle aged woman always begging at this one major corner. some days, shed have four-five retardedass charcoal drawings of randomness on 8.5x11s, but mostly she just rocked back & forth with a 1000 yard stare & a begging hat. once in a while, youd see her walking up & down said main street, swaying & shit either only noticed her probably around 13-14 or she appeared around then. anyway, at around 16-17, was walking down a residential street sidewalk & noticed this very normal looking woman leaving a decent house & walking to her car. there were two cars there, actually - it was the homeless lady, but in regular clothes. i am like 99.95% sure that it was her & we even locked eyes for a second shes probably seen me too, seeing as shes not actually gone in the head. she had a house with two cars all along lol.. homeless hustle
  2. is there such a thing as intolerating intolerance without being intolerant
  3. in the future, you will literally be able to choose your season at four seasons. maybe theyll have more than four
  4. platinum blonde is weird. not in a bad way, but its strange how that one things goes against the grain of displaying youthful vitality in feminine upkeep
  5. shit dude, sorry to hear about your boat & all its other sentimentals getting got like that.. hopefully the dickhead has a change of heart & somehow returns all your work, or at least gets inspired by them & makes some good changes in his own life
  6. observe someone by reflection. now observe them though a double reflection. regarding the telepathy game above, it appears observation though reflection(s) gives off "weaker signals" that are harder for the subject to pick up. whoa brah
  7. the telepathy game - stare at someone until they realize youre looking at them. the less time it takes, presumably higher your senses are /wardfromeastarlen
  8. the pumpkin spice muffins at timmies.. they look like straightup creampies
  9. which is an old topic, but still intriguing. missed your post earlier, my bad
  10. nah, these stories are appreciated haha dang ol, that is uncanny. wonder what they did with the leg (for that matter, what do they do with post-amputation limbs & shit in general in the modern world?). imagine you see him unscrewing his prosthetic leg & taking a drink out of it lol. jk, thats horrible (but still had to say). best of luck to him, no doubt was talking about six degrees of separation today which is similar
  11. Stanley Kubrick taking a mirror selfie with his daughter, while Jack Nicholson thinks it is a photo of him.
  12. thats actually pretty aweome. tried to learn how to play when i was like 15 a few times, just reading as much as i could about it for about 30 min/sit before saying fuckit. it was also discouraging because its not like rap spraying & you literally cant play it alone. shit dude, only if a few of my friends were willing to sit down & learn how to play (at least to the point where we wouldnt need to consult the rulebook every 10 seconds); itd be mad fun getting loud & retarded while pulling d&d allnighters with people that are genuinely down
  13. that one just reminds me of quake; people jumping around like grasshoppers & shit
  14. you think the night shift crews/cleaners of sears/misc department stores that sell beds fornicate on them regularly
  15. you know whats a good question to ask to cut through all the bullshit/pick someones brain, but still seem conversational? just ask what theyd do with all the money theyd wished for in the world. people have some retarded answers
  16. theyre also gross.. but you didnt need me to tell you that being homeless in the winter must be a nightmare. how to people do that shit
  17. oldschool legends selling pepsi & shit ikea hotdogs used to be 50¢, but theyre 75 now
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