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Everything posted by MedicineCabinet

  1. 1. Bamboo Palm: It removes formaldahyde and is also said to act as a natural humidifier. 2. Snake Plant: It absorb nitrogen oxides and formaldahyde. 3. Areca Palm: One of the best air purifying plants for general air cleanliness. 4. Spider Plant: Great indoor plant for removing carbon monoxide and other toxins or impurities. Spider plants are one of three plants NASA deems best at removing formaldahyde from the air. 5. Peace Lily: Peace lilies could be called the “clean-all.” They’re often placed in bathrooms or laundry rooms because they’re known for removing mold spores. Also know to remove formaldahyde and trichloroethylene. 6. Gerbera Daisy: Not only do these gorgeous flowers remove benzene from the air, they’re known to improve sleep by absorbing carbon dioxide and giving off more oxygen over night.
  2. faggot bitch ass pussy mofo all you haters
  3. facebook - where the healing begins
  4. haunter gang hypnosis dream eater
  5. tru. bluffers park ftw on & off rain.. just chilling tired with some koth on
  6. The Prince Albert piercing was named after Queen Victoria's husband, Prince Albert of England. It is said that he got it prior to his wedding to the queen in 1825. This piercing is done under the penis, in the centre of the v-shape formed by the glands. It takes anywhere between 2 to 4 months to heal. At that time there was a craze for ultra tight mens trousers. Because the pants were so tight, the penis needed to be held to one side so as not to create an unsightly bulge. To accomplish this some men had their penis pierced to allow it to be held by a hook on the inside of the trousers, this piercing was called a Dressing Ring at the time because tailors would ask if a gentleman dressed to the left or the right and tailor the trousers accordingly. This piercing is reputed to be very effective for sex,that is why it is the most popular male genital piercing. It provides greater stimulation to both partners during sex.
  7. their kids dont go to school - theyre servers, either there or at raisins across the street lol strip bars are gross, the people & all.. should go there with a change jar & make it rain nickles
  8. looked it up after posting that yesterday & twas still a buffet that place has changed faces about 10 times in the last decade or so
  9. lol been there.. back when it was this buffet
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