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Everything posted by MedicineCabinet

  1. that guy took it about 3 steps further than all the dog whisperers combined wow, thats fucked up & sad. poetry
  2. false tpbm thinks graffiti clothes r lame
  3. biggest full moon of 2013 - june 23rd
  4. true - "they should banh mi" tpbm is banned from the flea market
  5. jokes aside, serious props to this grandma (who by now is probably by just death metal)
  6. this jpeg of the door thats not a door isnt even a jpeg howu doodat
  7. well good for you, because not everyone can even swallow their pride (including myself, at times) had a pupperoni pizza. more pizza cometh
  8. think imma have a pizza & potato salad sorta want ribs now too lol
  9. my ribs are fine now - tender & barbequey that sucks. get well soon, man
  10. hah is that a camera attache to a puking dog? the poor dag. the gifs still jokes, though
  11. thin-crust lobster/scallop pizza & a bbq pizza with ribs meat those.. fast food companies need to hire us for consulting asap
  12. lol id probably go for whichever one wasnt closer to the last thing eaten.. tasty switchups
  13. shredded ribs on a bbq pizza.. thatd be good
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