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Everything posted by Rustofills

  1. In reply to this threads topical question. Ever take a shit? Theres your answer.
  2. A store that sells them. or try these links http://www.google.com/products?hl=en&q=HO+scale+solid+cold&wrapid=tlif12822577568122&um=1&ie=UTF-8&ei=ZLNtTMOOKYL7lwf-5Y2ADg&sa=X&oi=product_result_group&ct=title&resnum=11&ved=0CFYQrQQwCg http://www.google.com/products?q=HO+scale+armn+reefer&hl=en&aq=f
  3. Fucking. I hate reading my own posts. I am the fucken king of typoism.
  4. I got faith in ya brudda. Im sure your gonna make a nice layout. Cant wait to see how it comes along.
  5. Your gonna need to go wider. No matter how long you go. You are going to need at least 37 inchs width at the ends with the balloons. To make the turn around with out running into derailing your stock. Just something I ran into when I built the layout I have. ( My first ) I think youve seen it? I Found thats its just easier to just use track thats already make for turns. As opposed to Flex track for that type of turn.
  6. LD LT Whats that white thing under the table? A portable AC? Have you drawn up a layout plab yet? Or are you just sorta freestylen a yard?
  7. Agreed ^^^ Thats why i made this stupid shit im posting right now. The yards are alive, with the hissing of spray paint. ( SWING IT! ) la la la la
  8. Re: Freight WholeCars & E2Es Yeah, I will give it up to erase on that one.
  9. Thanks man. Thats what i was tryen to do before. But forgot about the all sizes part. This was posted before. First thing i did was dip it in coffee on it ( let dry ). Then lightly dry brushed it with silver and then sliver mixed with black to make a GUN METAL color. Then added more coffee to it by spoon ( let dry ) and did some small brown and black spot dry brushing. Total time about 2 hours. Including drying time.
  10. Coffee is a great way to get that old dirty look fast and whats real nice about that is, its not permanent if you dont like how it come out. Just give it a little fresh water rinse. Even after its dryed up. Of couse dont just stop at that. But it can give you a great leap into the land of dirt and grime with the quickness. I was gonna show an example but this newer flcikr format fucks me up.
  11. Rustofills

    12 Oz. VFW.

    hoah, honorable discharge.
  12. Writen next to that arsn holly. Suck my dick. BITE ME! For the win. Another nice thread man.
  13. I was thinking about picking his ass. Thats just me. "Obviously just kidding"
  14. All the so call ANTI-PILFERAGE device is. Is a hinge & lock with a fancy name.
  15. Re: Freight WholeCars & E2Es Sparing an animal from suffering and misery. My not be the coolest thing to have to do. But its the right thing to do. Its either that, or let it just lay there writhing in pain for who knows how long. Sorry but fuck you if you think other wise.
  16. Those little videos are cool and all. But I have no attention span for almost anything over 3 minutes long. Props to you anyway.
  17. Re: Freight WholeCars & E2Es Good man. I got some storys like that. No need to let them suffer.
  18. Re: Freight WholeCars & E2Es Nice!
  19. Re: Freight WholeCars & E2Es A true end to end is when a car is painted from left to right with no real open areas between peices or very little, done all in one. On at least one side. Or one simgle peice that runs from left to right, covering the full length of the car at very least. Just saying. Thats how I define an e2e If there is more then one peice on a car and they were done at different times or places but the car is still covered from left to right. ( like a e2e ) That is grild. Either way. I dont mind seeing grilled car on this thread because technically the car is covered from e2e. But like I said, to me isnt a true e2e. Its still fun to look at. Just saying!
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