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Everything posted by jetstream

  1. great bench! lots of good stuff...
  2. PENIS, SAG, and ALKE lookin' reallllllllll good..
  3. hell yeah, that dyke is nasty!! keep it up...be well homie.
  4. much respect to RED..catch yer freights where i'm at now...never gets old...
  5. "taking grandma to applebees"...that shit had me cracking up like crazy..
  6. haha okay man..i'll probably go to that show on the 14th..i'm a frequent wall hugger at shows myself.
  7. ^^^yeah, Diet Cokeheads were awesome last night...i loved all the reverb..fun show overall..and i agree, foreign objects were pretty entertaining...
  8. Ichabod on patrol.. MES has quite the hand...mad good
  9. remaking old movies..way over this trend..I really want some original thoughts and stories to be on the big screen again...
  10. ^^That's way awesome!
  11. amazing bench! some real winners here..
  12. down hill graffiti... DON'T DO IT
  13. Thanks for sharing.. Aroe Sigh Joce Epik Savior Byas After
  14. great bench!! thanks for sharing
  15. yeah, there aren't really too many shows*(music i would actually want to see)...but as far as i know, lemmingtrail posts up shows and returntothepit.com also posts up shows...perdition and brain killer are playing a house show in boston on the 18th, i think..that should be really fun...sorry if this doesn't help you out at all...just my two cents.
  16. Mr. Graffiti wizard over here...Mr. know it all...Mr. new york is the truth ignorance...
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