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Everything posted by NineMil

  1. first thing that came to mind when i signed up.
  2. i have a few of the Blue Ray Dvd's that they have and they are dope as fuck. expensive but well worth it.
  3. she still looks like a dude ugly ass bitch. wasn't she amish?
  4. Dude i am all for tattooed chicks but one that look like guys and f-ugly come'on. Jesse can get way better looking chicks than that POS. Sandra is way better looking may not be super model material but her personality and looks make her a good catch IMO.
  5. waiting on the blkmrktgallery.com site for the new Kinsey Prints to drop.
  6. just got out of a meeting and thought i would drop by 12oz to see whats new.
  7. sitting outside the local laundry mat waiting for my clothes to dry.
  8. ^^ that's dope picking up a GrowLab this weekend ;)
  9. one more thing have you shot the Querreros market wall on York & 56 in Highland Park?
  10. thanks for the flicks IOU. question do you carry your camera around and shoot random tags you see? or do you know all the "spots"
  11. True Dat! That how i make some of my extra spending cash along with a jobby job.
  12. NineMil


    Coin Toss New Era this one is sweet.
  13. sent a PC to "Diligent Douchbag" anyone else ?
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