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Everything posted by RUSO

  1. Re: Great Pictures~ yep, its round, very round.
  2. I can't imagine what that shit does to your insides
  3. that fuck'n dinosaur rules LOL
  4. Ron Washington should've run up to the loin and got a bag a bugger sugar and toke the mound himself
  5. how bout 9????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
  6. damn those gloves. smiling two headed bitch ftw
  7. someone should, I'm white. I'll clown on anyone.
  8. Nice flicks ralphy, lucky dog. I may go hang out outside the park tonight at least I could say I was there. I couldn't even watch last nights game, had to take one of my dog's (literally my dog) to emergency.
  9. Nothing was happening with the benedryl last night so I toke her to a 24hr pet hospital and they gave her steroid and benedryl shots and she's all better now. While I was there two people came in (separate) and both dogs got attacked by pits. Fuck that! I got somethin for em...
  10. Mine has a smashed face too, Human Society called me back and said if it was the shot she would have reacted with in an hour and she probably ate some plant, spider or could have gotten stung by a bee. its been 7 hour since I gave here yhr 6 mg an she just ate so I'll give her 12 mg's now and see how she does. Thanks man
  11. she got a booster shot on Saturday and just last night it got really bad. I called a 24hr clinic and they said the same thing, give her 12mg of benedryl, I gave ger 6 mg tho. How long after the vaccination shot did she react, immediate? Oh, no swelling yet hopefully...she won't go there.
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