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Everything posted by OinkArtLtdDotCom

  1. OK so let me ask quickly: Detroit is obviously the most champion streets place in the United States of America no question about it. Any local interested in $2.50 each 100 can minimum $10 shipping on fresh paint? text me 7326465278. i will help advertise you and you can make it to where locals have access to good paint not just out of towners bringing it in. much respect to http://www.12ozprophet.com/shop buy from there if you're buying online. holler!!
  2. Goes & Noel killin em!! RIP Drunk, won't pretend i knew personally but just heard - RIP the young TX soldier...
  3. OK so i'm admittedly a long time fan but i gotta take my hat off for the MULs. To consistently come with heat year after year, case after case, hardship after hardship, is something that most organizations could not do, much the less most individual people. MUL does. Respect to Woes for making it through his hardships. Respect to Metue and Tahoe for insane #s of fire hot freights. Respect to Greve for next level walls and more, and to all MULs putting in work. and yes i think U&E's new color schemes are letters are insane. Super fanboy status. Keep it up ....
  4. Dallas isn't dull to me. First 2 fill in's are from an out of towner - nice. Any dallas thread is going to be self promo and ancient shit, nobody in this city randomly flicks other peoples' shit. Just let the "Dallas" thread, whatever name, die. there's no use to it. Kset- come kill this one.
  5. THANKS TO THE CUSTOMER WHO SENT ME IN THIS FLICK! TheDemons, so you were at his show telling him that to his face, right? Or saved all the tough talk for the interwebs? BUMP GIRAFA FREE THE BLACK AND YELLOW BEAST Yo Girafa/friends of Girafa: contact me, ol James at oinkartltd @ gmail.com i'd like to get you a box of Oink mops if you are interested. if not, no worries. *will require proof to get it, not just sending a box of mops to anyone who emails me saying "hey girafa" ;) peace everybody
  6. the dancing bear on page 3810 for the win.
  7. the brown D30 dude in the reflection is fixing to catch the train to go rob a bank
  8. how'd that dog get in the suit? ?
  9. Heard my name being said, would hugely appreciate someone with knowledge of the situation contacting me as i hate rumors and would like to address any questions people have of me directly. Email me at oinkartltd@gmail.com for a phone # if you prefer. Keep it pimpin'
  10. Sorry i'm late to this thread, took a serious hiatus from 12oz and had a customer tell me i needed to get back on here due to speculation on this and that, so here i is :) ok so RE: PT2x clogging: apparently this is a common problem, since i started selling Rusto PT2x i've had this happen with a few customers (literally 8 cans out of nearly ... 6,000 or so sold) and my Rusto salesman authorized exchanges nearly instantly. Apparently, Rustoleum knows that the amount of pigment in the cans with a standard rusto valve (although male valve system, it's not a 'new valve' like a euro can or whatever, it's the same valve as on other rusto cans) can lead to clogging in the uptake stem. Due to this they are allowing exchanges, primarily because it hardly ever happens. He said "please ask the customers to shake a lot before and during use, and to spray the can upside down to try to clear it if it clogs". Most writers are aware of this and will already do it, but something to keep in mind. Also if you buy the cans from us we will honor an exchange or refund with sufficient proof of not working. Please don't file false claims though on cans that worked fine and you're just trying to get over, my salesman will eventually block us from buying PT2x and this would be a loss for everyone, as we're the only place you can get the full color range and the cheapest price. Also it's *not* because of the SEKT adapter as far as i know. we've done a lot of research and from our experience this can happen with the PT2x stock cap, female caps, or the SEKT adapter, it's not something that happens solely due to using the adapter on these cans. Also my salesman said if you bought from a Home Depot/Lowes/etc they should authorize a return. Racking cans then returning the clogged ones for an exchange??? .... Oh let's do it!!
  11. this guy is my hero! it's one part hide of a 2 month old rat, 2 parts bleach and a splash of Indian blood. Full Chemical Formula? That, sir, is the name of the chemical - it comes in a powder form but it's extremely dangerous and also hard to obtain. Oink Ink is loaded up with it, though, just use that and you'll be using Potassium Permanganate... and Methylene Blue... and Gentian Violet... and many other goodies... it's makes the ink a harder black and leaves a black stain, it's good stuff, but you don't need much of it. can't say it will help make it more permanent, but i guess it's possible. what are you talking about? i thought the question was what is a black powder stainer and what's a purple? AT THE BEGINNING OF THIS THREAD IT TALKS ABOUT PP AND GV, I WAS TALKING ABOUT THAT, I DON'T HAVE A CLUE WHAT'S IN YOUR STUFF AND DIDN'T REALIZE IT WAS YOU UNTIL JUST NOW. SO EVERYONE KNOWS: THE ONLY "FORMULA" OR "INGREDIENTS" I WILL EVER TALK ABOUT IS SHIT I USE, I WILL NEVER SAY HOW KRINK, DED, NERO, ETC ETC IS MADE BECAUSE I DON'T MAKE THAT OTHER SHIT AND I DON'T ASK PEOPLE HOW THEY MAKE THEIR STUFF!!! and again I WASN'T TALKING ABOUT YOUR PRODUCT i was ALWAYS respectful to you previously and am being so now, i do not appreciate been called WEAK when i've never used your product, never claimed to, and did not CALL YOU OUT BY NAME. I give a fuck, i hope you sell 8 million kilos with bombing science, far as i know your product is good stuff and bombing science is a good company, so good for both of you! but don't involve me in your sales tactics, i'm not confronting you, don't confront me. and so everyone knows: i talked to this guy a few months ago on myspace, seems like a legit dude, i asked him to sell me the info on a few colored stainers, he wasn't interested, i NEVER asked what was in his stuff on the sly and i am not claiming to know what his product is. buy his stuff, it will most likely do what it claims to do and you should be pleased! i sell powder stainers too, i had not looked at the site and didn't realize it was this guy's stuff, i thought it was just some generic powders/pigments since everyone else was already saying PP/GV. but don't accuse me of shit i don't take that kind of action lightly. i didn't say XYZ company and so and such dude is full of shit, don't call me out like that. i did find some new colored stainers though, so for everyone who's been wondering when the new Oink colors are coming out, the blue and the red should be available within 45 days, green within 60 and 6 more by the end of the year!!! all colors will stain, will be opaque and hold up to the sun for at least 6 months (i finished the basic formula 6 months ago, still have tags running of it looking good). oh ... and dalos and texpens, i will be carrying these within 6 months also, working with that company on some space age shit and will order the dalos and texpens when the other transaction finalizes.
  12. texpens = an industrial marker made by dykem, like dalo but smaller texas marker ink = the supposed candy ink everybody talks about totally different things... regarding the powder stainers, it's PP and GV, i'll sell you the same stuff for cheaper. oinkink1000
  13. glad you liked 'em :) yo what a win in that house. did you find a pot of gold too? you for sure found it's equivalent in ink!
  14. you can't make staining paint. i mean you can, by adding staining ink into paint, but no paint is staining. paint is paint. dot 3 doesn't do much. you get back what you put in. in other words, you likely won't find anything worth a shit around the house. but you can find stuff around town for cheap or rackable if you're into that that will stain decently well. your best bet is anything that's liquid, has alcohol, is black, blue, red or violet you mix together and try. research your chemicals listed on the bottles and make sure none interact badly together. and go to the first page of the ink thread and read the chemicals they talk about there, look for stuff that contains that around town. you will find diliuted wanna be versions of it but it will help. once you've made a decent home made mix, i still suggest buying some oink ink or other staining ink to mix with your stuff, because oink ink, do 'em dirty, garvey, griffin, etc have chemicals in them you can't find over the counter (requires licenses to get) so it's a great way to make your money last (using more of your stuff and some oink/ded to "kick it up a notch" as emeril might say. pilots are great, and re-fillable, i have an oink filled one sitting right next to me, cheers definitely agree with that! go to wal mart and get some of the black felt from the art supply aisle, cut it in strips and roll it up, make sure it's enough to fit comfortably, and remember you have to use an eye dropper to wet the nib so the ink can start flowing out. a better description on the first page of this thread, i think, or searchable. that store is in canada. if you're not in that store don't worry about it. it's in regina sask, if that means anything to you just go find the store. i can't believe they named it 12 ounce, that takes some balls. btw oinkartltd.com <- the official 12 oz sponsor store :) i know you see me, player.
  15. lookin' forward to it johnneh! everybody else, ask me a question fast before my new shipment of empty bottles comes in, once that shows you won't see me for another month or so ;)
  16. huh what? the city mentioned in a post after yours has lots of residents who would strongly disagree with what you're saying. oink is highly resistant to chemical solvents, was made primarily for that, the paint bleed thru was kind of a double bonus. i've got youtube videos where we use chemical solvents, will make more soon. oinkartltd.tv in case you didn't know... #1 please do not boil down your ink, there's really no purpose. if you want to get rid of some of the h2o content, use silica gel - easy to find, just go to the local grocery store and get the clear crystalline kitty litter. but again there's no reason to boil down ink, you don't want it thicker, and if you do want it thicker, just mix some thicker stuff in there, like witches brew, to get the consistency you desire. boiling ink is dangerous not only to your health but also to the residence you live in, landlord's don't look too kindly on replacing sinks, i just replace 'em before i move, but most people aren't me. #2 regarding opacity, pen ink isn't meant to be used outside in the sun. you can purchase powder UV inhibitors like i do, but they cost a bundle, you gotta buy a ton at once and you have to have all kinds of business licensing, most people don't have that either. so find an ink that's good outside that you like to use, like Griffin shoe dye, Oink Ink, DED Outdoorsman, Marsh, etc., and mix your stuff with it, you'll save money by using your stuff and save frustration by using other stuff to make up for the qualities your pen ink is missing. he wasn't talking to you, he was talking to this guy: johnneh may be right, it may be the marker you have it in (not open flow enough), but it could be what you're using as the base. as PHC points out, the paint needs to be mixed very well before being used, if it was thin enough to even flow in a marker without thinner it likely wasn't mixed enough. it may also be the type of paint you're using, if you're using standard rusto, chances are you need to mix the paint better. where's asdf at?
  17. Ferrous sulphate? i forgot to get on that shit. Sounds toxic. Need to hunt it down... RIP DUSTIN - AKA GYRO - MAKER OF GUSTO INK DUDE WAS GOOD PEOPLE...
  19. when i run out of bottles, if you guys want, remind me and i'll stock the shoe polish pump's. yeah basically it's going to be a shoe polish pump filled with the same griffin, only real downside is it won't be as easy to mix up. plus nostalgic value, the bottles are dope. etch = instant felony good staining ink = still just a misdemeanor for people over 18 like me, that shit matters.
  20. agreed, those palermo flicks are great. graffiti 3000. so sein painted those politico's? stalin, hussein, etc. let's see if my ongoing study of euro train mag's is working.
  21. shoulda just wrapped your dick in a spare glove and done fucked the face, you lose.
  22. Day in the Lyfe #7 out now... available at oinkartltd.com features an interview with the KOG Crew out of California, who do wildstyle pieces where most cats would just do a throw up, an interview with Kuma, one of the best known US writers out, the AIDS Crew out of Jersey, dope walls and crazy wildstyles on high-visibility street spots, flicks from all over the US, walls, freights and body bombing, flicks of the suicide girls (hot ass emo chick's, gotta love it), interview with Luck out of Germany, a female train writer who also does ill body bombing on other ladies... well worth checking out.
  23. you get big swole using the bike pump?
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