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Everything posted by Ignition

  1. I was thinking about an Mp3 myself, but the last Mp3 i had was some RCA bullshit. My ipod headphone jack stopped working after 2 years. And you can't open this one without some special tools, but i'm not about to send it to get it fixed for 100 bucks. I can probably just get a decent Mp3 for that money...right?
  2. False Tpbm tryed a new food today and hated it
  3. Re: Whaaaaaaaaaaaat... Permabanned?? Channel Zero is Slippin Who's Dao?
  4. Wow....People still drink/remember that Orbitz stuff?
  5. Nice autorax....Nice benching
  6. September just took this thread....That Itd Panam and the Wolf...Nice
  7. Poor kitty...... Cool bench though
  8. Granted but you look exactly like goro and all four arms grab womens tits every time you see them, resulting in multiple sexual harrasment and molestation charges. I wish i would get this job i'm interviewing for
  9. Yeah TPBM thinks older hip hop is better then newer hip hop.
  10. That's hilarious, I had the 110 Camera and it came with fake film that opened up. Perfect for hiding weed if you're into that stuff.
  11. Granted, but the TV is powered by Nuclear Waste which instantly gives you cancer and the only channel you can get has the Nickelodeon kids choice awards hosted by Rosie O'Donnel playing over and over again with Musical Guests the Jonas Brothers and NSync. I wish i had 5 boxes of Flamin hot cheetos
  12. Damn, I thought this thread was going to be about some poisonous drink that you can drink to die instantly that's now being legally sold all around. But I was very disappointed.
  13. Passing freight lines seem to be way shorter then they were a few years ago. There used to miles of freights in the yard, but not so much anymore. Sometimes there's nothing. Maybe due to the recession? Shit sucks either way.
  14. A disgusting amount of food, But isn't that what you're supposed to do? TPBM Has nothing at all planned for the day
  15. Alright, But the Driver is the lead singer of nickelback, the limo is actually a Pinto, the blunts are extremely stale, the champagne has urine in it, the ladies all have herpes, and everytime you ask them to drive somewhere you get rear ended. I wish I had A Freight yard loaded with flats and Cryos with no bull or toys!
  16. ^ Hahahahahahahaha "Bring da i don't give a fuck outta u"
  17. Haha.....This thread is interesting
  18. ^ That's awesome, if you open it I wonder if there's a huge spam cube inside?
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