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Everything posted by elRey

  1. not really if you have been caught and convicted of graffiti/vandalism before. just like they can give parolees a curfew they can also restrict convicted vandals from having paint, markers, etc.
  2. y'all gotta get sugar mommas to pay your bills and buy your dvd's
  3. These are two really good flicks that i stole, SORRY
  4. i cant believe none of you faggots noticed the tech tag. bump that shit. sorry chef
  5. Does anyone know anything about the BOOTS and GONZO tags in this last flick??? I know its SF circa 2006
  6. how the fuck you gonna slay trogs if you are ALWAYS on 12 oz?
  7. Re: I'm looking good,got a luscious v of hair going through my chest pubes down to my ball ^^This could be one of those cars....
  8. Re: I'm looking good,got a luscious v of hair going through my chest pubes down to my ball
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