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Earthworm Jim

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Everything posted by Earthworm Jim

  1. lmfao... yea man i will do the arial font letters with the tumble shit but not doing the rocks, ill think of something else to do with it, i dont like being generic and i try to stay as origional as possible
  2. someone email me some more paper, ive been working on a good handstyle so i wasted like 400 sheets lol
  3. dont write in your town ever agian and dont keep your shit at home...
  4. go at 1-4 am... if there is a car, its either a cop or a drunk driver
  5. vote= blart, kept it real and didnt try to hard or too little, kept the flow of his letters more consistent than others
  6. cola, there is weed that doesnt do anything that we potheads call (mersh,shwag,dirt,mids) smoke sum ak47 northern lights and blueberry dro son.... get blitzed write words
  7. thanks lol, i was thinking id get rashed for it
  8. bambu, dont do extensions after you finish each single letter, do a simple, then add extentions to that, get a feel for what your doing with each letter, and eventually it will flow and mold into a style
  9. everyone i know is in school, so i just stay up everynight so by the time i wake up, they are out for the day, good to see im not the only one up all night every night though
  10. WOW, good eye, noone said THAT yet
  11. if nobody cares about it, why come in here? "hey look at thread i dont care about, lets go in cuz we have no life"
  12. ^^^ btw thats not beef to anyone, unless you shame me lol
  13. howabout this, i post what and when i want without putting a pic in unless i feel like it, also, i will only crit people who have potential and will actually write for more than 2 months... but the rules dont apply to me anyway because i will just climb down your chimneys and beat you like santa on crack...
  14. doin the guidance word right now, ill post it up tomorow when i get my camera back
  15. hahahahahahaha.... yes he does true that
  16. and by the way, i might join this battle here
  17. i will "burn"... not "smite" ... smite is what your parents do when your a bad boy... how did smite randomly come into play, keep it at burn, krush, or rock...
  18. wow it looks to me like someone is in love with talking about my worm:eek:
  19. hold on i'll continue this in a moment, i just have to finish printing your comeback so i have something to wipe my ass withB)
  20. nah son, its the one YOUR girl gave me when i was diggin her out:scrambled:
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