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Everything posted by degrading

  1. false, dunno what QT is... tpbm hasnt been to a hospital in the last 2 years.
  2. the cure - jumping someone elses train
  3. eating a chicken finger dinner, listening to records.
  4. true, spring's whats up! tpbm hasn't eaten fastfood in years.
  5. true, after like 5 years of not working.. tpbm has a drug addiction
  6. jobs/money... (no future)oner.
  7. Re: Shit you Hate Appreciation thread.......................... FUCK TYRA BANKS, FORREAL.....
  8. about to start the 3rd season tonight, shit's starting to pop off.
  9. so fucking hungry, that pizza uptop looks really good.
  10. ichy as fuck, drinking a cold ass ice coffee. enjoying this weather.
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