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Everything posted by Seph

  2. that would make a dope stencil..
  3. yea, too bad they stopped making em, im reading the manga which is far better than the anime, they still coming out with new releases every month or so. I personally like the storyline in it and it took me almost a week to read the whole thing. if you really liked the show i suggest you read up on the manga. the face isnt too bad, i always find it hard to do the facial region, especially on the eyes just keep doing your thing and make sure you get your perspective right.
  4. alert is ahead of his game, props.
  5. nice sketch of gattz, dude i love that shit... berzerk for days
  6. you should tell sephek to get back in this bitch,
  7. dumb question.. but how often do the bars go up and how do i view the total amount of props i received? I only see recent ones...
  8. Seph

    831 cali

    guess i haven't missed much huh?
  9. this was posted in the freestyle pen thread in paperchase, if im not mistaken nevertheless, his work is fucking insane.
  10. ??? is that what you will be doing your 3d?
  11. I got more i guess, anyone feel like they need some just get at me.
  12. I was just thinking of something like this, matter of fact ive been working on some 3D steez Ill post up as soon as im finished, im writing Base2 oh yea and that last battle was rather weak, i mean the previous battle was fucking bananas.. hope some of the people who couldn't enter the last one, join in on this one.
  13. ok, but is there another way of getting props, i mean ive seen dudes posting flicks of chicks and all.. but.. really...
  14. Seph

    831 cali

    more like last year, know what fuck it, i was seeing what was up in this thread.. :lol: care to fill me in?
  15. you have any props left? i dont want to give and not receive..
  16. Seph

    831 cali

    wheres my SE biaaaach?
  17. I have some, how does this work?
  18. Oh, yea, should of known, anyways I got a Kandalf LCS, I was just wondering if anyone had something similar or even heard. I tell my friends about it and they're like WTF? radiator? liquid? GTFO!! And yea the temperatures are way better. My old case looked like an 80s disco case so I upgraded it. keep us updated on the cool gadgets seffs.
  19. I had that happen to me once, I deleted the account because it wouldn't allow me to post comments, and always asked me to change my password. I just recently got another account there and I clicked on one of those messages and my antivirus/spyware pop out and blocked it. I suggest you get a better antispyware soft. Everyone knows Norton sucks and uses alot of memory.
  20. so this thing is better than the air by apple? Is anyone familiar with LCS and is it better than fans? Someone should make a thread about their pcs with flicks and specs if possible I'm sure some of you cats have some nice rigs /nohomo
  21. Rain is suppose to be hitting the bay throughout the whole week, I dont really care if it rains or not. Previous years rain was non-existent.... hows the Berkley beezies?
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