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Lesbian Fisting

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Everything posted by Lesbian Fisting

  1. Got Duck Butter, Sion, renave and apeshit
  2. Spotted some Desism tags in the Bronx and a Sicr car in some yard upstate NY.
  3. yer mama's stank box on some real shit, raw alligator.
  4. good lookin dawood, that relm woem is fire
  5. got pistol and caligula. and renave, go to the voorburgwal and right next to sofitel there is a pastry shop run by this iraqi guy who is the shit. me and my girlfriend would handle our munchies there and he would always sit and talk to us. i figured he would hate me because we destroyed his village or some shit, but he always got me on some free hot chocolate shit. also go in the alley and between the corner store and hostel, flick that roll down.
  6. Or you could get a doctors note, bring up a wrongful termination case and sit at your own desk looking at lolcats all day.
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