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Everything posted by c-walk

  1. c-walk


    but alot and tems... steady puttin in work
  2. yall are on that westcoast shit... i'm hours ahead of you guys, let me know i you need the heads up on what the future is like
  3. well shit, i fixed my problem with the time zone thing what time is it where you guys are at?
  4. damn what the hell... by everyones post it says like 2:30ish i know i could probably change that for my time zone but damn, it's weirdin me out
  5. i was wondering when this was going to pop back up i think this whole gaining an hour of daytime is fucking with me... its 4:25 here
  6. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear sheesh, really? does that shit even work? and damn crohns huh? you got that poop bag and everything? -just curious walker
  7. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear BF, GG Allin?? -Walk
  8. you really like markers... now send me some, i promise its the cool thing to do
  9. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear Moogle, i had this problem two days again with the same sammich and same non tolerating lactoseness. yet i sit here and wait for a pizza... my butt hates me. -Walker
  10. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear life, i'm hammered drunk, thqat is all i guess, or yea and girfriend... suck my dick, now! goodnight 12oz
  11. c-walk


    dfase and awal always lookin good
  12. i like the oink mini mops... granted its the only actually mop that i have bought so who knows, never tried krink
  13. c-walk


    its crazy outside...
  14. ew yellow krylon? that shit is so watery
  15. like apeshit said, Sano is cleveland baby... CST
  16. seriously what the hell?
  17. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear Moon, do you have the boobs that hollerback speaks of? - Sincerely
  18. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear Spring Break, Get here now! fucking asshole, schools getting annoyingly hard and i have midterms next week. teh ghey -StressedoutWalker
  19. c-walk


    hillary is an idiot...
  20. not too sure if i like this... it's weird
  21. you're coming alone nicely man i'm ganna do for you what my buddy did for me, i'm givin' you homework son. take the sketch above and do it again but curve U and the C like you did with the top of the R to make it consistent post a flick of the outline and then try a 2 color fade for the fill Get to work homie...
  22. man that shits so old, people got banned for that shit too
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