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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. I'm visibly upset, that grill looks so dope and like it will never get stolen up there.
  2. Best Possible way to cook lobster. I really miss grilling, next spot I move into needs a balcony or rooftop access.
  3. The idea behind the Untitled section is a place for non graffiti related photo's, designs, and artwork. Good photo's of graff would be better suited for Brickslayers and Metal Heads. Most of us in here write or at least wrote at some point and bench but we come in here to look at and post and discuss general photography.
  4. I all ready printed that one out and taped it to the back of wifey's head last night next to Sukis leg pic.
  5. Good think you're awesome habit of multiple posts back to back for no reason is still in full effect.
  6. A moderator is the least of you're worries, not very smart putting yourself on blast like that. You do know cops look at shit posted in here, even channel zero, and can use anything you snitch on yourself for as evidence. If I were you I'd try to get a moderator to do you a favor and edit or delete that shit.
  7. Zeebz, and Bfish If you guys want to get tan, let me help you out. I was born white but developed a natural browning process that is legit as you can see. I'll need nudes so I can match the nipple color to the tanning index and guide you through the process.
  8. Friday: Worked here in the morning. Looks like a criminal organization met up here once and took shit over. Dude got all his boys drunk here at an ill after party later on. Warm and wet, just how I like it in the morning. Walked around this bitch all hightech'n, flickin, sipping coffee, tweet'n, and direct connect bleep'n. The whole time I had $4000 swinging from the neck like whoa. I don't know what this place is but had a brief fascination with this locations calculations. You can't see the sign but this place is officially known as "movie set lookin ass street". When global warming floods hit the right levels this sculpture will turn into a saltwater fountain. An older MTA map. Cleaned and rainex't the windshield. Dude illin. Riding dirty up the BQE still shooting pics and smoking like it was a BBQ. Then I got all artsy in Queens /NH. 4 the Spring time 2009 print collection$$$$$$. Playing around with flash and sunlight. Reminded me of the buds I had waiting in the lab. This nigga got all squirrelly when I approached the home base. Got in, smoked myself into a haze, nobody could find me. There is no trace of what happened afterwards, I stopped taking pics. It's as if it didn't happen because I have no photographs now. WTF? Like a weed activated space time warp or something. Bonus: Fridays twit highlight reel, Mero enters the UFC for the first time. ZD is biting my titties out tweet style, but not posting pics said tits, but it still happened. The End.
  9. I'll get some new ones posted up today, looks like the rebuild is going along good with the new ish.
  10. That Yoon Lee stuff is dope.
  11. Somebody had to say it to keep this thread from getting filled with beginners. I'm being as polite as possible.
  12. Not trying to offend anyone but just look at the last three images posted. They wouldn't come close in the toy battles. It brings down this thread. Stop.
  13. If I saw people I didn't know writing one of my names I'd get pissed to, but it's just a misunderstanding.
  14. Oh shit Q, good job on that totem.
  15. Mercer


    Like you knew what was cool in the eighty's or ninety's. I don't even think you know whats cool right now. Now go change your tampon because pink tic tacs ain't ever gonna be cool.:lol:
  16. That T Kid book is one of the best books out.
  17. I'm sure it isn't a bite at all, I doubt many people outside of Portland saw that when it was painted over a decade ago. Just reminded me of it so I dug it out from the archives.
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