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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. The NG stuff is just not up to standards, I wouldn't say it's poor quality considering the discount. They slap NG logo's on tripods and camera bags that cost more than the shit you could get at walmart but of the same quality. Not bad for people who go out and shoot 3 or 4 times a year with cheap equipment I guess, but a waste of money for someone who shoots regularly or wants to protect their gear properly.
  2. Anyone remember when vagina's grew hair on them?
  3. I cut the huge hiking belt part off of mine since I'm pretty much in urban areas only and don't hike. I rock that bag every day sometimes really weighed down with a laptop and gear, comfortable as it gets. The bag itself is pretty weatherproof and I've never used or needed the all weather thing that covers it. Also, I have a pretty heavy manfrotto tripod I carry by sticking a leg in one of the side pockets and use the top strap to hold it. The fold out tripod thing kind of sucks here since it's so crowded everywhere.
  4. Don't ever buy any camera related equipment with a national geographic logo. I have the Lowepro Flipside 400 AW, holds a couple lenses, my camera, a tripod, and plenty of room left over for a hoodie and a few cans. Not cheap though. Bought it because it's weatherproof and protects my equipment since it's rigid and padded.
  5. Mostly spray paint, then some brushes and paint pens. I also found out trying to brush paint over rusto or anything glossy is tough. The flatter texture paint by montana and molotov works much better. I'm glad I stepped out of the comfort zone and tried abstracts. These first couple might not be that good but after a few more I'll get better. I'm about to start working on a vagina soon, after that I'll paint another abstract.
  6. I even gave him some fruit loops /NH
  7. You motherfuckers, I just did a tucan. :lol:
  8. Hahaha, Yo Stan having sad visions of the future and shit.:lol:
  9. I'd like to deconstruct a city skyline, a vehicle, or something less organic.
  10. Gave it a shot, mad sloppy.
  11. I like that burning SUV pic, I imagine some family stranded on fucked up vacation hating life like Stan was. :lol:
  12. I'm about to post one, my first attempt at this shit, just waiting on paint to dry.
  13. Last Night: We found some dive bar that was set up like someones shitty living room. Began drinking, music sucked. Old ass video game table. Left there pretty lit, got here waiting on a bomb Moroccan wrap. Then a shorty outside knocked on the window and was pointing at Stan. He didn't recognise her at first but rolled outside to talk to her since she was hot. She knew him from Montreal and seen him from their table across the street. Told Stan they were going to the same bar we were. We got to Max Fish and I got pretty hammered and stopped taking pictures. One of those girls from Montreal bought a round of some kind of harsh shit I cant remember. It was in glasses and the shots were fucking huge. When we broke out I stopped by a McDonalds, I hadn't eaten that shit in a minute, got a big mac. Got back on the train all fucked up headed uptown, not sure if its because I was drunk or the Big Mac. Hopped off the train at 49th st. and puked the big mac into a garbage can and hopped back on the next train. Felt better, didn't take pics though because Suki would probably kick my ass for biting. Got home and smoked one then started sketching shit. New Decade.
  14. Props on the new cam t(0.o)> if its that just good maxin at the crib the pics should be dope. Rusty peep hole FTW * I just puked on the R train station.
  15. Last night was all about recovering from NYE with the stickyest of the Icky and Sapporo: ^ Probably carries this thread with it's pics.
  16. ^Second one, but edit out the branches coming in on the top right.
  17. Why do people keep bumping the bad photo's in this thread to the top of the new page.
  18. Mercer


    Space Jams just look ugly to me and always have, don't feed into the hypebeasts.
  19. You working with a pocket wizard or a flash in the shoe?
  20. Fuck you saving them leaves for, rake the garage nigga. :lol:
  21. Mercer


    Yea man, only niggers rob, white people go to harvard.:lol:
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