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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. Once again. there's a Joe Rogan Podcast that deals specifically with combat veterans with PTSD and Diet. Hate to keep posting JRE podcasts, but his podcast is pretty informative on so many relevant subjects in this thread. I related so hard to dude's description of his anger management problem in this podcast, it convinced me to give changing my diet a try, at least to enhance some of the other things I'm trying. I've been on it for a week now, and haven't noticed any changes in brain chemistry yet. Getting way more results from exercise TBH. Either way, hope you can get some relief. I'm still struggling against it, but at least enjoying the fight now so to speak.
  2. Wifey is really into cooking, all the recipes reside with her. Our apartment is overflowing with cookbooks RN, and she pretty much has designer kitchen everything. She'd never let me funk up the kitchen collection with something practical like a $12 crock pot lol. I think the shouting match was with Scott. Back then I would have never jeopardized any comradery with someone who had weed as gourmet as Julio's. lol I'd really like to come through, unfortunately vacation time this year is already booked. If things go well, I should be out west this Fall/Winter when my vacation re-up hits.
  3. Before The Mt. Gox crash in 2013 there were these physical bitcoins that were minted, and contained a public/private key under a sticker that were sort of jokes to "elitist" bitcoin users back then. People who wanted to own a real bitcoin, but didn't have technical skills would pay a bit of a premium for these physical bitcoin. It had a wallet address and key for a wallet that contained 1 bitcoin in it that you could then redeem after pulling the sticker. The original Casascius Coins (Casascius was the old school bitcoin enthusiast's online handle that sold them) are now a collectors item, and people are actually counterfeiting them. Even one that's had the real digital bitcoin spent/removed, can go for well over $1000.00 if it's an original. It's created a market for cheap knockoffs, fakes. Yes, they have no plans on creating a mobile wallet any time soon either. Jaxx is probably the best mobile wallet. On my phone I use another app that tracks my portfolio/prices, but doesn't have actual access to the funds or public/private keys. (security reasons)
  4. I can't understand why anyone would order a $25 mystery box of Cryptocurrency myself, but if anyone here enjoys surprises that much, I can arrange delivery of one for $20.
  5. Crypto News/Resource links in heavy rotation for me personally: https://news.bitcoin.com Bitcoin Cash leaning fairly informative site https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdUSSt-IEUg2eq46rD7lu_g Bitcoin/Altcoin news (crypto minute is garbage, subscribe to get notifications when he goes live) https://epicenter.tv/ Long standing podcast/youtube channel covering cryptocurrencies in depth I also use an app called Crypto Pro, tracks my portfolio as mentioned, and has a news section for when I feel like staring at my phone. Edit: Reddit/Cryptocurrency/List of Scammer Just came across this list of known scammers, I'd copy paste the entire list here, but it gets updated regularly. Also remember, just because it's not on this list, it doesn't mean it's Kosher. From what I understand you pretty much have to be proven to be a scamcoin/scammer to make this list.
  6. lol @ specifying it's "virgin" Is the non virgin variety of a shittier quality?
  7. Convo moving too fast, 12oz on fire lol. To be honest, I just got obsessed, started in 2016 right before the election. I just follow people on Twitter etc. and actually read white papers. Cryptography is a bit too advanced for me so I have to research that aspect, but like you, I've got a pretty good grasp of programming languages. I might sound knowledgeable in here, but to be honest, It's easy sounding like an expert to people that are somewhat new to a subject. If we could get LordCasek back in here he'd probably drop some serious gems. I swear dude was mining Bitcoin back in 2011. Symbols kinda chased him off from here and his famous last words were something like "fuck this place, I'm over here mining bitcoin, you'll see..." Honestly thought it was laughable back then, now, not so much. lol
  8. I don't really day trade, or invest in coins I don't believe in for the long term. While it's fun to do, and exciting, it's not as profitable in my experiences. Causes me to miss out on massive pumps. I really do believe in this shit as one of many answers needed to move our planet forward. That said I do have significant Shitcoin holdings, ADA/IOTA/EOS only because I'm hoping one of them moons this year. I don't think they're scams but I'm getting more skeptical of IOTA. IOTA actually made me the most profits last year, got in cheap, rode a 1000% pump in a month or two and traded the majority in at an all time high for Monero right before it pumped.
  9. I use an iPhone app called crypto pro on my phone. I basically enter in my trades/buys/sells and it shows me what my portfolio looks like in real time without holding any keys/personal info on the phone. I use Exodus's "Eden" wallet, and whatever single use wallets are needed by other coins I hold like Monero, ect. So with Litecoin: When Litecoin first came out, it kind of made sense. BTC blocks took 10 minutes, Litecoins took 2.5 minutes. Charlie Lee also multiplied the supply by 4 times, and switched the hashing algorithm so the ASIC's used to mine bitcoin wouldn't work for Litecoin, all good. Cheap Chiness knockoff at best, back then fees were almost non-existant. No red flags, like a pre mine or unfair distribution, the coins were fairly distributed and no one held a superwhale majority, or enough coins to singlehandedly crash the market. Strike 1 Flash forward to when Charlie Lee is working for coinbase as an engineer. He somehow got Coinbase to list LTC, keep in mind there was almost zero demand for it, while other more useful/reputable coins weren't listed. Charlie Lee tweeted something like "Hey Brian, why don't we add Litecoin to coinbase?", and Brian Armstrong (CEO of Coinbase) tweeted back something like "Sure @charlielee, why not". Pretending to make this decision on twitter was cute. There were credible rumors of insider trading (scooping up as much LTC as possible just before announcing LTC would be listed on Coinbase) then once the data was analysed, it pretty much proved there was, in fact, insider trading. Not a big deal, niggas gotta eat, but insider trading is a shady move when a cryptocurrency's point man is tainted by it. Strike 2 That brings me to the "Litecoin is the Silver to Bitcoin's Gold" mantra. Sure, transactions are cheaper now, and take 25% less time to confirm, but there are other coins out there like Ethereum (15 second blocks) and Dash that make Litecoin look like a joke. So how much merchant adoption do you think Litecoin has achieved? Obviously they're not attempting alchemy here to be a "digital gold" store of value like Bitcoin right? Zero adoption, or efforts made to do so, not a single merchant was partnered with to create a use for Litecoin. Charlie Lee never intended to make good on the promises of digital silver. As it stands right now, the only use for Litecoin is moving crypto out of Coinbase, and onto Binance so you can trade for altcoins with an actual future (BTC fee's are to high). I personally prefer ETH for that. Strike 3 Charle Lee is an outspoken Crypto Superstar, I follow his twitter and it's quite entertaining. He's positioned himself as a "Bitcoin Maximalist" Meaning he trash talks other coins by saying Bitcoin is king, blah blah, blah. Dude made a fucking altcoin himself though. Half the shade he's tried to throw at other coins is unsubstantiated bullshit he parrots from Bitcoin Maximalists. When the scaling debate heated up he positioned himself on the side of bitcoin core, offering to use Litecoin as a live testnet for Segregated Witness, and Lightning. If Segwit x Lightning lives up to the lofty claims by it's supporters, it would basically make Litecoin obsolete. Bitcoin transactions would be instant, fees would be almost non existent. So on the other side of the scaling debate are people who support the BCH hardfork (whom Charlie likes to mock). In my opinion they've solved the scaling debate, and have been catching up to BTC's market cap since forking. "Coincidentally", right before they're listed on Coinbase Dec. 20th, there are signs of insider trading again, someone is scooping up massive amounts of BCH. Also, at the EXACT same time, this motherfucker announces he's cashed out of all his Litecoin holdings. While it's at an all time high. Brazen as fuck. His excuse "I wanted to be able to argue on the internet without people thinking I'm shilling for Litecoin" Yea right. For me, a coin needs more than a catchphrase, it needs at least the potential for a use case.
  10. Exodus, personal preference, basically they're extremely focused on UX. Anyone can use it and it's reliable. Restoring wallets: It's too complicated to oversimplify into a short answer, if you're down I'll explain it somewhat detailed. With almost any cryptocurrency wallet, when you install, or set it up from scratch you're prompted to either record a new mnemonic passphrase. or restore the wallet from an existing one. A Mnemonic passphrase (on Exodus) is a string of 12 random words, some wallets require more, or less. The letters and spaces between words are all broken down into their numeric values as they're run through a cryptographic algorithm to generate your public/private keys. For example, if you set up a 2 word Mnemonic passphrase "12 oz" 1 and 2 already have a numeric value, we'll give the space a value of zero, and assign "o" a value of 15, and "z" will be 26. Using this method this gives "12 oz" a numeric value of "1201526". Then you run some fancy crypto math on that number to generate a public/private key for whatever cryptocurrency the wallet is capable of generating. Exodus can make keys for any cryptocurrency wallet they offer using the same passphrase for each currency. If your computer crashes, you just set up a new one, download the wallet software, and restore it during the setup process using the 12 word passphrase. If your USB ledger, or trezor gets lost/fucked, you buy another one, and restore it using your passphrase. Most smart people will order 2 ledgers at a time, set one up, and have a backup ready to restore should they lose or damage the first. Don't get slick and try to use song lyrics, or even coherent sentences for a passphrase just because they're easier to memorize, hackers can, and do restore wallets using popular word strings. Try to stick to the random ones generated by the wallet. Going extra deep: Lets say you're paranoid and want zero chances someone can hack your private key. Wipe the hard drive on a computer and install a brand new OS. Install a new wallet, then disconnect from the internet before setting it up. Then set up the new wallet, and write down the passphrase. Don't print it (printers are more likely to get hacked than phones/computers believe it or not), don't say it out loud, (Siri, Google, and Alexa are listening) just write it down with a pen, and make sure to triple check. Now save your deposit address(s) aka public keys. Once you've got it all down wipe the computer again. Now you have your public addresses to use for deposits from exchanges, or to give out to other people who want to send you crypto. Don't worry about someone getting your public address, they can't hack your wallet with just the public key. Keep that paper someplace safe, try to memorize the words. If all hell breaks loose and you need to escape the country, or you end up doing a bid, you've got the 12 word passphrase memorized and your money is safe, and availiable the next time you get internet access. Wallets taking a cut? Exodus, and most other wallets like Jaxx that have Shapeshift built in don't take a cut when you exchange between cryptocurrencies. Shapeshift does, and they charge higher fees than most exchanges so it's expensive to use. Shapeshift then provides a small percentage of that fee to the wallet's makers as a commission. It encourages the wallets programmers/designers to include shapeshift. That's the business model for most wallets these days. Ripple? Before I say this let me preface by saying this is only my opinion, and I'm by far no insider, or privy to any private information. Ripple is a company that develops software systems for "Big Banks". It's confusing to call the token "Ripple" instead of "XRP" which would be like calling a steering wheel a "General Motors" The XRP token itself has no use in the 10 other products developed by the company Ripple. People assume big banks use/need the XRP token since they use the other Ripple products, but the other products Ripple makes don't have anything to do with the XRP token. Infact, Ripple initially stated the XRP token was basically an experiment, and it's only use case so far has been to fund & develop other software products for use by the very people cryptocurrencies are going to make obsolete (Banks). Going even deeper, the XRP token was 100% pre mined, meaning someone created all the tokens at once, and didn't have a fair method of distribution. Most of those tokens are still held & controlled by Ripple, and the software/system used to send/recieve the XRP token is centralized. Ripple is no more secure than opening a bank account. Should ripple decide to confiscate your tokens, they can. Also should they decide to dump a massive amount of the 60% or so of XRP they control, they'll make billions before leaving the rest of the holders holding their dicks. With the new wave of crypto investors coming in this fall/winter several scam coins that could afford it artificially "pumped" the price of their coins up enough for noobs to take notice of the upward momentum. Noobs will inevitably start buying the coin that's increasing, adding FOMO money to that upward momentum causing a spike in the price. Ripple did this with the XRP token, which again, has no use case whatsoever. Retailers aren't planning on accepting it, you basically can't use it for anything but speculation, banks don't use it, and they're not even promising to develop a use case for it in the future. In summary, fuck Fuck Ripple/XRP they are the enemy. Other popular coins I think are shady/bad long term investments; Tron, Verge, & Litecoin.
  11. The best way to do this is to Create an ERC20 token. 30-40% of the top 100 cryptocurrencies are ERC20 tokens. They're basically a cryptocurrency that's built on top of the Ethereum blockchain using a smart contract. You should research it, but pro's: you get the benefit of being on the 2nd largest, and #1 most decentralized distributed ledger network in existence. You won't have to worry about security, hardware, or starting a network of miners from scratch. The tokens can be distributed to anyone with an Ethereum address. In the future, if you can come up with a utility for the tokens, create a market for them, and get some traction it could blow up. If not, it would still be fun to own some oontz-coin or whatever. I'm a proud hodler of Dogecoin, and cryptokitties, not because I, or anyone else thinks they're a good investment. It's just for fun, like digital collector items for nerds like myself. I've got a "friend of a fiend" that works at Consensys, a Brooklyn based company that specializes in writing smart contracts for Ethereum, which is probably the most reputable one out there if interested.
  12. The IRS was willing to spend 20 million, to collect 6.7 million in taxes. By their logic it creates a "deterrent" resulting in more people paying without direct enforcement. If you have an account on any exchange that trades cryptocurrencies for fiat, you're not anonymous. Because of KYC laws, they can see when you transferred from your bank into the exchange, and what wallet address you sent it to, or when you cashed back out into Fiat. It's a safe bet that it would cost them pennies on the dollar to let Bitfury (company known to do such work) process the data for them, and serve it up to the IRS so they can send you a notice. I've been fucked by underestimating the IRS before. Taxes are a bitch, but penalties suck even more. I'm obviously not adverse to "gambling" fucking with crypto. That said, I think it's a pretty safe bet to claim anything done through a KYC exchange, especially in you have transactions over 4 figures.
  13. When is a good time to buy? There are no mistakes, just happy little dips. Scoop profits, rinse, and repeat.
  14. So glad XRP tanked extra harbody. No pity for anyone who got FOMO scammed into buying it. There's literally zero present/future use cases for it.
  15. What up Click Clack. Still doing my thing. Hope all is good with you. As far as crypto goes, I lost a good bit today (understatement) mostly hodling ETH, XMR, & BCH. Still riding out this dip till the wheels fall off. Would have been worried about this a year or two ago, but zero fucks given at this point. Got some fiat deposits sitting on mine/wifey's GDAX waiting on "the bottom" whatever that is. Might pick up more ADA on Binance, thinking it's got serious potential as a good ETH hedge. I just asked for more OT at work because I'm guessing this is going to be a 1 or 2 month bear market opportunity. Also thinking BTC might not ever fully recover from this and lose the throne. As far as IG goes, I got shook down by IG once they started rearranging people's feeds. Long story but here goes. I wrote a "likebot" automation script when I started blowing up on there in 2013. It basically clicked a like automatically on any post hashtagged #NYC. People would get a random like, check my page, and I'd get 20-30 new followers a day (when I could keep the bot running). It stopped working after a couple months, but by then I was well over 3000 followers. Flash forward to 2016, IG/FB wanted me to pay them, just so my posts would be able to be viewed by the people already following me. A lot of my C and even D list instafame friends got the same deal offered to them. We'd post something that started to trend, then get a message "Have all your followers view this post by promoting..." Didn't want to actually monetize my account so it just wasn't worth it. To be honest, it wasn't even worth looking at anymore by that point, I'd only be able to see 3 day old posts or advertisements in my feed so I just faded out. They kind of ruined it for small time content creators. 2018 is the 12ozProphet comeback year, we're all old now and can trade tips/tricks on old people stuff now. What mops can handle rough surfaces, and won't fuck with my rheumatoid arthritis? Which adult diapers work best for racking? What color Vapormaxes will best match with a chrome wheelchair, and gray pubes? My best guess is the Navy Blue flyknits, Wonk Saggin DLO.
  16. I've got a close friend in DC who dropped a grand on a single Bitcoin in Dec. 2013. Got discouraged when his investment dropped to $500 in a week and kept dropping. Eventually he stopped checking, and counted it as a loss, never cashed out though. He was shocked to see the news on how high it got in Nov. cashed out about a half a Bitcoin at a 1800% gain.
  17. I'm on some excessive caffeine shit myself, about 8 cups of coffee in the morning (1 or 2 very large cups + a thermos full, but for measuring purposes...), then 2 more large cups worth of tea later on in the day. No sugar, or milk products go into them though so at least I've got that going for me. Wifey and I just got this slow cooker from amazon yesterday. First thing we made was a Pork Shoulder aka "Pork Boston But". I picked it up from the Tompkins Square Park's farmers market last night on the way home. Wifey hooked it up overnight last night and god damn is this shit good. Planning on going to a very low carb, zero wheat, zero sugar diet over the next week or two as an experiment. I'm basically going all meat, with lettuce wraps, the only carbs (if any) will come from quinoa, or rice. Most anyone who knows me, knows I can be cool sometimes, but can cancel out that coolness by acting like a complete dick at other times. I'm not really ashamed to say I've struggled with anger management issues for as long as I can remember. A large factor of that might stem from traumatic brain injury, or TBI for short. After a year in therapy, and performing cognitive exercises I've found some relief from these anger management issues, and have it much more under control now. This has allowed some very significant personal & professional success. I still have "moods" that give me violent images when I perceive even an unintentional slight. Sort of works like when you see a tittie that might pop out of a dress, and you can't stop thinking about it, with vivid pornographic scenerios playing out in your mind. The violent scenarios in my mind are sometimes just as hard to shake off. Sometimes I literally see myself knocking people out that step in my path as I'm walking down a crowded sidewalk. I tense up, sometimes even ball up my fist, it's very stressful. I noticed some relief when I ate a big leftover ham, and unintentionally cut carbs for weight loss purposes after Thanksgiving. Hopefully that relief wasn't a fluke, and coupled with my cognitive exercises I can achieve some relief.
  18. I originally moved from sugar water (soft drinks/fruit juices) into artificially sweetened drinks. I also moved from adding sugar in the coffee/espresso to artificial sweeteners. I found the artificial sweeteners were not good for me for different reasons. I had an issue where I'd need to piss urgently, but once I got to the bathroom I'd only piss a little bit. This problem lead to me regularly pissing outside in the city. While I was losing weight, I knew I had somehow created or magnified another health issue. Eventually, I moved away from drinking anything besides seltzer, then eventually only water throughout the day. I also started giving a fuck about the quality of coffee I got, and found that really good coffee requires zero sweetening. Every morning for the last 4 years I grind Yirgacheffe. It smells like lemons when it's being ground/brewed and is delicious. It's a light roast, which is counterintuitively much heavier in caffeine. I drink way too much for most people but for me it seems to work. There's actually an older Joe Rogan podcast where he had a coffee expert/historian that was hired by starbucks to promote some of the more exotic imports like Yirgacheffe as they were being introduced, wild interesting. As far as supplements and vitamins go, I avoid them all now. During my weight loss when I wasn't eating enough to get the essential vitamins needed for healthy cell biology I supplemented using whey protein (lowest in carbs), to protect muscle mass during weight loss. I also ordered these gummy vitamins from amazon that you needed to eat 3 or 4 of throughout the day. Again, the only reason I took these supplements is that I wasn't going to get these essential nutrients from my diet. My current diet allows for more calories, and I try to listen to what I'm craving for (outside of sugar) and have a belief your body will naturally seek out foods that have the vitamins and other nutrients you need. Absorbing nutrients naturally is far superior IMHO than ingesting processed/concentrated forms of these nutrients. The second half of my philosophy on nutrition is that: modern humans need to eat more calories (to get enough other basic nutrients from their food) than they can burn. Fighting the craving for sugar is good. Fighting the craving you'll naturally have for other foods to get nutrients that might cause a caloric surplus isn't good for you. Personally I feel best when I exercise enough to eat whatever I want. TLDR- Refined sugars, and most carbs in general have little nutritional value. Try to burn enough calories so that you don't worry about your caloric intake and are able to feed yourself enough nutrient dense foods to cover your nutritional needs.
  19. I'm actually on the same shit as theprotester myself even though I'm in my 40's now. Lost the extra 40-50 lbs I used to carry around through dieting, and I still don't fuck with sugar. Working out almost every day now, and hoping to save money on the gym membership and just start running once the weather warms up. This recent cold snap and my increasing metabolism does allow for carb indulgence, which is pretty sweet considering I crave comfort foods during deep freezes.
  20. I think vast majority of Americans eat way too many carbs and think they're doing the right thing. The worst was when I realized how much sweetened, and or artificially sweetened drinks & fruit juices I've drank over the years. For anyone starting the weight loss process, I think it's crucial to first train your body to burn fat. After that calculate your caloric intake by writing down, and looking up every item you eat. Then create a caloric deficiency and watch the weight go down. I haven't gone all in on an atkins/keto diet for more than a couple weeks at a time. I think carbs do have their place. Ideally, I want to get my metabolism up (via exercise) enough to ingest loads of carbs, lipids, and proteins. Going 100% in on a keto diet for an extended period of time reminds me of the people riding the backlash against weed persecution, that are convinced weed is "good for you". While the bullshit the government has been feeding us about weed isn't true, it helped me to start dealing with my issues head on, and sober most, if not all of the time. Like weed, diet isn't a one size fits all subject, and finding the right balance for an individual is crucial.
  21. If you think driving with your hazard lights on will remind the rest of us we're in a blizzard, I can guarantee 100% of us already knew that. Let us know something useful with those blinkers, like when you're about to change lanes, or turn.
  22. Weird shit, I'm in my 40's now and prefer new styles of music over ones that I grew up with. Been down with Tommy Kruise since Mook Life and before he got the show on Vice. Last year Stan51 put on to DJ Smokey and he's been on fairly heavy rotation ever since.
  23. The problem with figuring out tax is the IRS isn't 100% clear on the rules. Depending on how you interpret the laws, you could owe just for buying in, then owe a capitol gains tax on you profits, then have to pay again when exchanging those profits into fiat. Sort of like getting arrested, and the cops deciding how to charge you, plenty of gray area for them to work with. Here's the best online resource I've found https://bitcoin.tax/ I don't have the patience to refer back to every single small alt trade & gain/loss I've made, and figure it all out referring to ytd price to USD charts, so I'm just adjusting my gross income to include my fiat withdrawals out of Gemini, Gdax/Coinbase without deducting the bank deposits into these exchanges. Worse comes to worse, they say I owe more, but I should be able to wiggle out of any penalties by being upfront and at least trying to pay. One thing I do know for sure from the recent IRS/Coinbase ruling, transactions over 20,000.00 have to be reported by the exchanges. The fact that they fought this in court, and didn't fold when IRS originally demanded everyone's records is pretty reassuring. As I understand it, the ruling was applied retroactively to accounts between 2013/2015. I'm not exactly sure if they're 1099'ing 2016-now so I'll wait and see if they send me anything. I don't hold on exchanges long enough for significant gains so it will be interesting to see. If you're super paranoid about withdrawing profits, you can always anonymously hit up a crypto ATM or just exchange crypto for goods and services on Overstock, Expedia, ect. My own plan is to hodl most of what I've accumulated until there isn't a need to exchange into fiat any more. I've had serious problems with the IRS before and trust me, it's not fun. I didn't file one year and got surprise 1099'd, ended up owing quite a bit, but was able to get a little sympathy by being poor, and still making payments so got a lot of the penalty reduced. A nightmare to say the least. Damn, looks like I got back in too soon the market is still dipping. Fall 2017 noobs panic selling.
  24. The dip stings much more than the upswing feels good. I could double my money in a week, but if it goes down 20% in a day I'm the 1st world problems meme. Just bought back in and profited 1.7 ETH on this dip so at least I've got that going for me .jpg
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