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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. I've clocked more overtime than regular time two weeks in a row, and only want time off to get a business started.
  2. ^^^Interesting stuff. I know people that otherwise understood the difference between trustworthy news, and something suspicious pre election, now spout clearly incorrect facts they've found someplace on social media. Putin needs to shell out a few extra Ruble to whoever is running his psychological operations department, they've done excellent work.
  3. Didn't get a chance to post these after eating yesterday so here they are. Pizza came out pretty good, only problem was the whole wheat crust, if it would have been like the last few crusts she's made this would have been a solid 8 factoring in for the rareness of this pizza. Washed it down with some even rarer Irish beer smuggled over the Atlantic by our last houseguest.
  4. I do. Personally not so much, but as far as Wikileaks goes I think it's an amazing contribution. I don't know if I'm a fan of his personally, he comes off like a creepy James Bond type villain. To most Americans he's kind of like a celebrity that's been found out to be on the shitty end of the less than perfect scale. Kind of like Bill Cosby, sure, he's a rapist, but I spent too much money on these Cosby sweaters to get rid of them. I'm not buying the "surprise sex" charges that he took off a condom without permission. His word against hers, and quite honestly, it's a shitty move but not the same as real sexual assault. Never purposely done it myself, but I've broken them before, and drunkenly rode it out till creampie without realizing why it suddenly felt so good. I dislike him more for being vindictive against the Clinton/Obama and purposely trying to help elect Trump who I can't fucking stand even more than Clinton/Obama. He's more of a hero with others people involved with the Libertarian/Ancap crowd just for the anti state/freedom of information contributions he's made. There's also some Trump supporters in the U.S. that like him because in their minds, they're convinced Clinton is a criminal he helped saved them from. Strangely, they somehow don't support granting him a pardon/clemency though, and also think it's OK for Trump to be a bigger criminal than Clinton because... Still haven't figured that out those double standards yet. Either way, more political Memerry:
  5. lol, Don't try to play it off like you wouldn't ghost if she had a rip in her jeans, and you got a sneak peek at what was underneath. look at that shit, no way
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