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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. My perspective on Socialism/Communism started when I grew up an Army brat, with both parents stationed in West Germany in the 1980's where you could physically see devastating effects of Communism. The "iron curtain" was real as fuck, as it is today where you have two very different economic systems on a border for contrast Like in Korea. Further solidifying my skepticism is the fact my wife left Argentina after Socialist policy reduced it from the worlds 5th largest economy just ahead of France, down to the worlds 26th during her lifetime. My real life arguably anecdotal experiences meeting people from different countries, and historical perspective prejudiced me beyond the point of entertaining socialist foolishness. The historical evidence is overwhelming, the policies she's advocating for would no doubt leave the United States economically worse off as a whole, and have a harmful effect on overall quality of life. Making healthcare a "right" will not magically increase the supply of healthcare services. Mechanism have to be put into place to pay for the increased artificial capacity, this creates a miss-allocation of economic resources people otherwise would choose to spend elsewhere as consumers. Will it be destructive enough to collapse a strong economy on it's own, probably not, but every step in this direction has real consequences that are impossible quantify, but always lead to economic stagnation, inflation, and ultimately collapse the further down that scale of socialism, vs free market. This is a very real concern, our national debt in The United States is at a level we normally only see after a major wars, while our economy keeps growing weaker. I'm afraid something like a 70% tax on all profits would create an even further exodus of potential, and current economic activity, creating dire economic situations for millions of people. I wish it were possible the government could just print as much money as it saw fit, remove economic incentives, and make decisions on what the economy "should" be, and execute a plan that works, but it's my opinion that no matter how well intended, these things never work. Taking individual decision making powers out of the hands of the numerous individuals operating in a free market, reduces the capacity to make sound economic decisions/predictions exponentially. As an example there's a rule there saying no matter what you've negotiated with your employer, there's a mandatory 16 weeks maternity leave in Spain, and once this rule was put into place the number of women of child bearing age that were able to find full time work dropped drastically. Did this policy have an overall positive effect on mothers and children? Probably not since less parents are able to afford having children now. We have friends there, almost none of them are able to find full time work (also due to a multitude of other government policies). I'd hate to go that route here, but see it as a very real possibility in the current political climate.
  2. We know you would back in the 90's but right now, today.... Keep in mind J Lo is still in really good shape
  3. Did not smash, think I posted a mirror selfie getting dome on here before, but that shot was found on the internet. Also, gotta go with smash on the skinny chick even though those photos are awkward.
  4. Disagree with the out of context statement. They're no more out of context than any quote short enough for memery. What makes those "morally right" memes funny, is the underlying context of the debate. Socialist don't care about the overwhelming evidence showing socialism destroys economies, then living standards. Even the poor are much worse off under Socialism. A Socialist cares more about the intentions of socialism, then it's effect. Claiming it's system is more "fair" without any logical consistency to determine what's actually fair. Basing their platforms, and policies on their emotional appeal, while ignoring Socialism's inevitable catastrophic effects. She made wildly false claims about economic statistics, and defense spending. Once she was called out on her lie/mistake she rebutted with that statement.
  5. This windmill is also insane, modern vertical axis turbine design thrown in for fun.
  6. Last post's photos were the best for me. My nerd ass is always into the space shit, and the trojan horse/palaces are fucking insane.
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