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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. Red Black Brown Blue Red Black Brown Blue Red Black Brown Blue Red Black Brown Blue Lowering the chances they get burned up, when they stop the building from burning down. Then I finally shaved my balls again (It's been an entire week).
  2. https://duckduckgo.com/?q=3+genrations+wealth+squandered&t=brave&ia=web I've never had trouble accepting this as it's almost common knowledge. Having met a few self made acquaintances over the years, and marrying someone that worked as a personal assistant for some extremely wealthy people I can tell you this. It's almost as hard staying in the top 10% as it is trying to get there. Quite frankly some of these people are so stupid a fortune can be squandered in a single generation, and Ive watched it happen myself. That's the main reason anyone with half a brain that's made a fortune these days sets up a trust, as opposed to handing control over of the wealth. Unfortunately, most people can't earn enough to have a trust that lasts more than a posh generation or two of lazy fucks.
  3. I haven't eaten enough wild game to really understand if something tastes gamey or not. Probably no more than a dozen times in my life, with an occasional rabbit, wild turkey, or venison steak and sausages. I usually go for the more middle eastern approaches to lamb preparation, and seasoning if anything. The simple, more raw aste is also desirable but mainly in the "premium" cuts. Another thing I forgot to mention is the bun, IMO an often overlooked component. I'm 100% for the brioche buns that aren't too sweet/sugary over most any other type of bun. There was this local organic chain in NYC called Bareburger that had the brioche bun game on lock.
  4. Yes, I don't think there's any system on earth that produces an equal outcome for all, this is obvious. Even in so called Communist/Socialist systems the political class is a "ruling class" with perks and privileges that most can't get, just like in free countries. The main difference is the privileged in those places earn their privilege through political clout which helps no one, while in a capitalists system you earn this privilege by providing something people actually want like a good, or service that's higher quality. or cheaper than the competition. If you choose to be a lazy fuck under capitalism, and decide not to enhance your own knowledge/skills in pursuit of a career that's your choice. If you decide to never once in your life risk any of your own wealth in an entrepreneurial endeavor, or attempt to provide/produce goods and services other's are willing to pay for because they're higher quality, or lower cost than the competition, you are not in a targeted class, you're just a bum. If someone lives in a big house you can't afford, or pulls up in a car you couldn't afford they're not repressing, or ripping off you, or anyone else.
  5. My own personal trick to making a burger is mixing in a course sea salt, and onion powder only. Meat quality is important, but the onion powder gives the juices enough flavor to notice how juicy the burger is. Without onion powder those juices I worked so hard to sear into the burger aren't as appreciated as much while eating it IMO. Obviously this is art, so it's entirely a very subjective opinion. We obviously are on some farm fresh, straight from the ranch stuff ourselves belong to a couple of different local food coops, (until next week when we go meatless) but even so, I've found extras like the caramelized onions seared into the ground lamb meat, or some other flavors need to be introduced in moderation to enhance/compliment good meat. At the very least I need a course sea salt where you get undissolved flakes/chunks here and there.
  6. I know, sounds bad but I’m actually looking forward to it considering who the person Is that will be preparing these plant based meals for me. I’ve let my health/fitness level go recently a little at the expense of trying to just hustle Mad OT to fill the bank back up after landing in a new city, and it’s starting to really take its toll. Need to drop 20-25 lbs. in the next 2 months.
  7. I’m not defining an absolute, I’m describing a societal shift That does have some influence on even the most archaic backwater economic/political systems. This is clearly far more pronounced in 1st world countries, especially those that allow women into the workforce etc. It complicated, and too hard to define in absolute terms. I’d be lying if I said being born into money isn’t a tremendous head start, my point is that’s not “ruling class”. Examples can be shown supporting either claim, but for the most part claiming there’s a “ruling class” or birthright claim in the 1st world Country where your representatives are elected by the populace is 100% whiney, less successful people looking for an excuse to use state coercion to benefit their group, at the expense of a more successful group. First one has to paint the picture “these rich people are bad” much like trump needs to paint a picture like “these Mexicans are bad” before using the power of the state to target a specific group that isn’t violating anyone else’s rights. Every moron that’s ever sat at a red light burning with Andy for some douche bag in a fucking Lamborghini or some shit thinking they don’t deserve that level of wealth compared to themselves falls for it almost immediately, needing very little evidence of the moral righteousness of this envious hatred.
  8. No, I’m not being sarcastic, most of the larger fortunes earned are depleted within 3 generations and the vast majority of today’s wealthy are self made. Your family’s social status a as a “ruling class” today is 100% on someone somewhere in your family earning enough money for your to purchase your privilege, it’s not a birthright, or some sort of caste system. Anyone who believes they can’t possible become wealthy because you need to be “born into it” is guaranteed to be poor because they hold a regarded belief. It’s not 1850 any more, upward/downward mobility is the highest it’s ever been. “Ruling class” is bullshit. The people making the “rules” are the politicians and government, unless you think constitutional democracy is somehow the same system as monarchy, caste system, or feudalism. So yea, I’m dead serious, there isn’t a ruling class. You might hold more financial sway than others but when it comes to actual power, it’s between agents representing the government like a judge, elected official, or cop and the people they oppress. I wish I could just flash a platinum Amex and Schwab account and cops would let me off the hook. That shit means almost nothing, now if I flash a badge, or say I’m with the state’s attorney’s office, that’s something these boots can respect. You can deny this all you want, or show examples of how rich people have something’s better than poor. My point is we’re not in 1850 anymore and most of what Marx & Engles we’re writing about we’re the remnants of the European aristocratic system when it meant so much more to have a “title” to your name that came as a a birthright.
  9. Ass kissing, brown nosing, etc. in a workplace is not the same thing as licking a cops, or soldiers boots. Both are gross, but there is a difference.
  10. The government makes, interprets, and also happens to wear the boots when enforcing these rules. There is no ruling class outside of the government. One day a man can be poor, the next day he's rich, or vis versa. Being born into a "ruling class" doesn't happen any more, we hav elections now.
  11. Swear to god read this in Joe Exotic's voice in my head. /prohomo
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