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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. Woag_based_Shaggy-0rcofcium2051.mp4 Based Shaggy decided not to fund kids being blown apart with $70k bombs.
  2. Welcome back Welcome back Welcome back Welcome back Welcome back Welcome back We always could spot a friend Welcome back And I smile when I think How you must have been......
  3. This reminds me, I need to post some food.
  4. I honestly think you should be able to refuse to bake a gay wedding cake. Not that I don't think those people would be total shit bags, and I could never associate with that type of hate trash, even if they don't think they're being hateful themselves. The problem is, in that specific type of situation the government having that much say in a mutually agreed (or un-agreed upon) transaction would cause more harm than good big picture. Someone could walk into a muslim owned bakery and request an image of Mohamed on a cake. Producing the image itself is forbidden by their belief so it's not the same thing, but you see where I'm going with this. Ultimately, a business owner should have the right to refuse doing something they think is immoral, just as much as a consumer should have the right to refuse patronage.
  5. Using the Chinese flag to symbolically imply a totalitarian tight central control, not the CCP literally controlling (I'm guessing).
  6. It applies to their governments too.
  7. Government is the cause of, and the wrong answer to all of life's problems.
  8. All good, thanks for trying. I'm somewhat fascinated by Australian politics. Anyway, mainstream think isn't a virtue.
  9. @Hua GuofangCan I get a copy paste of that, it would be interesting to read how they try to spin this.
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