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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. Almost half way to dropping cash for the wall charger, no finance.
  2. Red_light_No_problem..-gysm3h0cynu61.mp4
  3. Shitcoin casino is in full effect, one pull of the lever and you could whip a Tesla, or you could roll the dice and crap out next round. Somebody going to have to lose something sooner or later like musical chairs. ETH holding on strong like a free climber's grip, deep in them mountains now got chart fluctuation. Bitcoin is in stagnation mode because retail newb waves surfing straight into Doge.
  4. ^^How I'm looking coming out of lockdown
  5. Life_hacks_Vs_Reality-7d0esdo07ku61.mp4
  6. I have an old Grime album from 2008 that got me through many workouts.
  7. Mercer


    You ever hear of someone dying and everyone that knew them feels a sigh of relief. lol
  8. Fcking_legend_wifebacca-4bs0daj72ju61.mp4
  9. Racist ass mirror. This_Prank_with_two_pairs_of_twins-sPrdvwW.mp4
  10. Mercer


    Washington Post is using race clickbaiting into their hard paywall to sell subscriptions. I mean wilding out with a knife like that isn't really defendable, and an obvious way to get yourself shot if you're doing it in front of cops, or anyone else with a gun for that matter. There's way to much actual bad shit cops do that's less claickbaity, but actually worth reporting on. I don't feel sorry for her even a little.
  11. MMA_fans_after_sitting_through_5_musical_performances_to_watch_Askren_get_KO_d_in_the_1st-aln5vf618vt61.mp4
  12. Porn_GIF_by_kwatt202_RedGIFs-lonelumberingswan (1).mp4
  13. Almost missed this. The way that oil supply works is much like mining. The forecasted price normally dictates the investment for extraction. In short, there's some oil that costs less than $20 a barrel to suck out of the earth, there's some that costs $40 a barrel to pull out of the earth, or extract from sand, etc. So if oil looks like it's going to be above $80 per barrel, it pays off to expand into more expensive oil to extract to meet this demand. A company isn't going to invest in a new deep sea drilling rig, and new refineries if it forecasts lower oil prices. I'd imagine the sharp drop in demand last year, and subsequent drop in price, that there hasn't been much investment in expanding extraction. Oil companies sitting on their assets, and writing off losses. With inflation starting to really take off, and capacity for extraction down, if there's a huge demand this summer for people who got vaxxed and want to return to life again, visit family, travel it created the perfect storm for a price spike. Who knows, you also have people, mostly office workers permanently telecommuting now so maybe demand will not increase to pre covid levels. The per barrel price right now is almost exactly what it was pre pandemic at less volume.
  14. Honestly, the fact there were charges/consequences here satisfies my expectations. Realistically there are a million ways a person can have an accidental discharge. There's always some level of negligence involved in it so there needs to be some sort of legal, and financial ramifications. As I've said I don't think there was any pre meditated shit where she pretends to say taser just for plausible deniability, she really did fuck it up, and isn't the first officer to do so. Very common mistake.
  15. These domestic oil companies aren't exactly operating locally, they're multinational. They'll ship/transport it to the ports with the highest prices globally if the price difference covers the cost of delivery. There's no escaping the global market because there's not really "our oil", or "their oil" in that sense. For strategic reasons it pays for the government to have a source to feed it's military during war, but that doesn't really make a difference on the citizen level. Boils down to free market economics, and who's willing & able to pay more. The only advantage we have as a local economy to domestic production of petroleum are the decreased shipping costs. These private companies producing oil aren't nationalized companies, and are in it for maximum profit just like everyone else. Restricting their markets, and nationalizing them is Socialist at best.
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