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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. I was a 15 year member of Local Union #3 (NYC chapter of I.B.E.W.) up until recently. Seen a lot of Union action in NYC where we basically ran everything worth running, every big job. Hard to believe but actually started out a super pro-union democrat lefty myself up until 2015 when I started studying Austrian economic related audiobooks, ironically while at work. The last non-union shop I was in before I got in did this same exact thing, it's actually very common. Strikes are an "all or nothing" game of chicken. Years before I worked there, during a strike, the shop just decided to close negotiations. It had put the managers in the field temporarily to hold over, and hired in as many non-union scabs as possible. The supply of scabs was near limitless. After everyone on strike figured out it was over, half of them dropped the union and went back there to work themselves and I knew a few of these people. In the end, I see the same thing happening here at Kellog's. As long as there is still a demand for their goods out there, and there are people locally that consider a job there their best option, they will be able to continue at a somewhat lesser capacity temporarily before trudging on. There will for sure be people who cross the picket line, and scab back in during the next few months if the headline of this thread is true. I'd actually be happier if they stopped existing as a company permanently but for different reasons. Eating a bite of Kellog's is like micro-dosing industrial poisons. Anyone who's eating that processed shit probably isn't going to change their eating habits over labor issues that don't directly effect themselves, and continue to slowly poison themselves to death. I fully endorse boycotting them, but mostly for this reason.
  2. I'm not trying to be rude, but like what's your position? Are you Anprim, Ancom, are you a Socialist? Do you have a coherent, defined philosophy or lens you view the world with telling you my view is off? I'm honestly trying to figure it out here, that way I won't make false assumptions.
  3. It's because you carefully never share your position, because you just want to go on the offensive. When I'm comparing cons you've just pointed out, I'm forced to compare them with whatever vauge anti-private property stance your rhetoric implies. This could all be avoided if you decide to actually share, defend your position even once. Anyone can heckle, quote someone else's posts, and point out cons. The conversation would be a lot more interesting for everyone, if one side wasn't pretending to not have a position. As the person quoting me the most these days to tell me that my position is wrong, line for line, do you even have a position we're allowed to discuss like we discuss mine?
  4. Parents should def be able to be sued for damages caused by their minor in civil court if there's negligence here, but prosecuted in a criminal court is a different story. Not illegal to give your kid a gun in most places. There needs to be actual evidence, or proof beyond a reasonable doubt they knew this would happen, or intended for it to happen. Not familiar at all with this latest news cycle on this, or the details so that could be the case.
  5. Women did that to the pole you're supposed to hold onto in the middle of the subway car minus the weird hand/shoulder thing. Not like strippers, but just normal women not paying attention, and without realizing it. If you try to lean back on the pole in a moving train, you just naturally start holding on for the bumps and turns with your ass cheeks after a minute while you scroll the phone, or read a book and space out.
  6. Def on my bucket list to have at least one authentic deep dish. Had imitations at a chain/corporate restaurant before but I'm sure it's not the same thing.
  7. If you type the words "billionaire rides dick into space" on your kindle, Amazon will charge you 10% more for 2 months.
  8. My only problem with it is it's an excuse for people to just keep their phones out on the table during their meal, which translates to less paying attention to the food, or the people you're dining with during your meal. I always wonder if people with their phones out in restaurants even want to be there. Why not just stay home, in a more comfortable environment. You can even eat some microwaveable processed chemical shit while leaning over your kitchen sink alone, in your underwear, so even the cleanup is more convenient.
  9. redditsave.com_insane_scratching_duett-mg55pdrc1q381.mp4
  10. Imagine providing a place to stay for your 22 year old virgin (not by choice) tik tok granddaughter. Then one day she tries to force you stop the movie so she can womansplain to you (while clapping her hands probably) why the movie is sexist because baby it's cold outside is in the soundtrack. Then she leaves your car outside and starts blasting shit music.
  11. @mn1_fuckosGotta admit, that looks better than most of the pizza here, but that cut tho??? They give you a knife and fork them middle slices?
  12. Bitch just argued herself into homelessness. lol
  13. The meme never asserted private charities were 100% efficient. If that's what you're arguing against here you're constructing a false claim to argue against, an assertion that was never even implied. The meme was comparing efficiency levels between private charities, and tax dollars. A quick google search I just did turned up several sources that estimate around 70% efficiency for private charities. You've got a strong pro government, anti charity bias that you'd assume those numbers to be incorrect. We probably spend more of our tax dollars droning/bombing people in Africa, than we do actually helping them with those same tax dollars. Even if government based aid is actually delivered in undeveloped countries, you and I both know the feds probably only cut your regime a check if you've got something they want strategically, and the people you rule over, that actually need that help, they'll probably never see a dime of it.
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