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Everything posted by eliserx

  1. yeah... i read where they've already broken up once but got back together for the new album. hopefully they can stick it out for a few more.
  2. Re: Stuff my butt with this pile of cold beets. Hard. No homo.
  3. iranians dont really consider themselves asians. too far east. im half that and white.
  4. h-town hoe-town hoeston screwston
  5. Re: INTERPOL my mom says paul sounds like jim morrison
  6. Re: INTERPOL I CANNOT WAIT. carlos d is a genius and paul banks's voice is so sexy..
  7. Re: BEAT off into a pitcher of dog food its hasselhoff. eating a burger. i believe.
  8. Re: Guaging help... Yeah.. definately clean it first.
  9. Re: Guaging help... If you wanna do it the cheap way, use plastic stuff. I used to break apart eyeshadow applicators and use them to stretch. Saved me money since I had tons of them. You just have to guestimate what size they are, though.
  10. Re: Guaging help... I've stretched mine out twice before, both to zeros. It helps if you buy the tapers and just push those in while you're in the shower, the skins softer/tender and easier to stretch out. You can also get it done professionally, but I hear it hurts more but it's all at one time. If you don't have the patience for gauging them yourself, I suggest going to the parlor and getting someone else to do it. And can't you get tetinus or whatever from putting random metal shit in your ears? I dunno.. I put a nail in my ear once and was called a fucktard for doing so and that my ear'll fall off. I was 13 so I was pretty clueless.
  11. Chuck Palahniuk's a pretty interesting author. He wrote Fight Club. I would recommend his book, Survivor. If you'd like to say you've read a classic, Victor Hugo's books are pretty cool.
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