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Everything posted by RHDS

  1. anyone know what make this motorsickle is?
  2. retro choppers and motorcycles definitely seem ready to blow up.
  3. RHDS


    you guys got anything to say about the orbea lanza? anything would be appreciated, thanks..
  4. thanks dude. and running that jockey shift must of been gnarliest shit ever because he didn't run a cover on his primary, if you weren't careful you'd be short a few fingers.
  5. here's a picture of my uncle with my dad's old 74 and if i'm not mistaken this was circa 1978. the motor was a 74 cubic inch knucklehead and he ran it with a jockey shit and no front break.
  6. RHDS


    it's purely for aesthetics.
  7. RHDS


    sounds like he needs a bike that fits.
  8. RHDS


    he killed it today, he was with the break on the cat 1 climb and still won the stage by around 4 minutes.
  9. i really dig on trent parke. badass photographer from australia. also, just check out any magnum photographer, they are all great.
  10. RHDS


    Found this in my Nana's basement not long ago. It's aged well since 1962.
  11. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD It's "They Live", it's cool. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/They_Live
  12. Sorry bout the shittyness of it. Anyone else catch the other two?
  13. RHDS


    It would probably either make games look really good or just bring out their flaws and bad textures.
  14. RHDS


    I got tasered once when I was skateboarding at some spot. Cops showed up and I was trying to act all hard yelling at him standing on some foot and half tall ledge. They wouldn't take any of it and decided to tase me. I feel this sudden burning shock and couldn't move it all. It didn't hurt nearly as much as falling off the ledge and landing directly on my head.
  15. RHDS


    I really suggest against getting that game, it's a flaming turd. The minuscule amount of fun you'll have playing it severely outweighs the money you spend getting your hands on it. I beat Mass Affect today, twas pretty rad. I'm looking forward to playing through it later and doing more side quests.
  16. RHDS


    I just ran around with my buddy as heavy and medic, TF2 got old quick.
  17. RHDS


    They're both pretty good, I liked Skate alot.
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