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Everything posted by Vertigo

  1. your R and E are hurtin man. keep practicing.
  2. Re: east bay shits VIZIE! props
  3. Hyper: My advice is dont bend the I so much. It makes the rest of it look wack. keep practicing tho man.
  4. Aight. thanks for the tips guys. stay up.
  5. crits? I am having a hard time making my F look good.
  6. Bump years sez and guer
  7. Sank that 3d is on point. good job. The top of the S looks a bit weird. And the divet on the bottom of the K is a bit useless. Byne: work on your straight letters and 3d. Cola: your throwie is ill. Keep doin it man.
  8. Yo, Nashville heads, don't get your panties in a twist. This is pretty old maybe middle of June. I changed my name. Now worries. No diss.
  9. Bump that Erupto and Eye. Nekst is bangin.
  10. Stoik is in kc as far as i Know.
  11. when is scribble jam and where is it? i wouldn't mind going next year.
  12. Bump Druid and loaf. I visited STL this weekend. Didn;t see much except a lotta spot jocking toys. Props to Boke, avik matic guer sueno for keeping it fresh.
  13. wow, a "well-established" writer who always does simples? haha. fuck it, i have gone too for with this name to stop.
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