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Everything posted by cinchedwaist7

  1. hey ube! sorry if i missed this part, but who are you goin to jakarta w? I only saw a fraction of the city but it was pretty cool. not so great for woman travelling by themselves however. dress super modestly. I've heard Bali was awesome, if you're thinkin about anywhere else the islands of Sanghir and Sulawesi have super friendly people. The Togeans are beautiful and have priceless beaches, kinda a pain to get to tho.
  2. birds are dope. i always thought bird watchers were dorky as hell when i was young, but when i was living in tx hearing birds i never heard b4, i'd grab my binoculars. i'm a fan. esp. of hummingbirds and parrots. p.s. birds could never take over. although they are smart, they lack broadscale cooperation.
  3. i've made up my mind about something... we'll see how long this lasts... if i can't understand something on an ingredient label (veg burgers for instance) i'm making them my damn self. fuck all this putting crap in my body and i don't know what the hell it is.
  4. she's my fave thusfar. but whats up with the bottom portion of the dress... fur??
  5. ~Omegas ~B complex ~C complex ~calcium ~cranberry concentrate ~probiotics ~Multivitamin mostly from trader joe's ok gotta go do productive things...
  6. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WASHINGTON - The U.S. Department of Agriculture announced Sunday that a California meatpacking company had launched the recall of 135 million pounds of beef -- the largest meat recall in U.S. history -- following questions about the company's treatment of cattle that were slaughtered even though they could not stand up. The recall by the Hallmark/Westland Meat Packing Co., in Chino, Calif., covers meat produced since February 2006. USDA officials said that, given the nature of ground beef production and its shelf life, much of the recalled meat has likely already been consumed. Federal authorities said they don't have solid evidence of illnesses linked to the meat. Hallmark/Westland sold at least 37 million pounds of meat to the national school lunch program and other nutrition programs run by the USDA during that time, according to department officials. The Hallmark/Westland plant has been closed because of a USDA investigation of the facility's practices. "I am dismayed at the inhumane handling of cattle that has resulted in the violation of food safety regulations at the Hallmark/Westland Meat Packing Co.," said Agriculture Secretary Ed Schafer. USDA officials said Sunday that it is unclear how much of that meat has been consumed or already removed from use by federal food programs. The department also said in its recall notice the Hallmark meat was not available to consumers through retail grocery or meat markets, but instead was sold wholesale to food companies that used it to make ground beef and products such as burrito filling, meatballs and sausage. The USDA did not disclose where those food products were sold. Schools in Washington state and California have removed beef from their lunch menus because they suspect it came from Hallmark/Westland. Because of wholesale distribution, it is unclear how many products will have to be recalled. USDA officials stressed that Sunday's action was a "Class II" recall, which means that there is a remote possibility of adverse health effects if the meat is consumed. The beef industry has suffered through a difficult year of recalls, many of them caused by the presence of E. coli bacteria in ground beef. In September, Topps Meat Co. of New Jersey recalled 21.7 million pounds of frozen hamburger patties after people in New York and Florida fell ill because of E. coli poisoning. Topps later filed for bankruptcy because of that recall, which involved a full year's worth of production. The largest previous recall involved 35 million pounds of ready-to-eat meats in 1999. While the Hallmark-Westland recall involves two years' worth of production, the "Class II" designation means that the recall is a precaution because USDA regulations were not followed. "In this one, we feel there is a very, very remote possibility of anyone suffering any health consequences from the consumption of this product," said Richard Raymond, undersecretary for food safety. The primary reason for the recall, Raymond said, was that an ongoing investigation has shown that the Hallmark plant violated USDA rules regarding the treatment of downer cattle -- animals that arrive at the slaughter plant but cannot stand up because of an illness or injury. Following the discovery of mad cow disease, or bovine spongiform encephalopathy, in the U.S. in 2003, the USDA forbid the slaughter of downer cattle in an effort to reduce the chance of BSE entering the human food chain. Those rules were relaxed slightly last year to allow USDA veterinarians to determine on a case-by-case basis whether a downer cow couldn't stand because of an injury, such as a broken leg, or because it was ill or diseased. Ill or diseased animals must be condemned under USDA regulations. Raymond said the downer cattle at the Hallmark/Westland plant were examined by a USDA inspector when they were standing, but not again as required after they went down. Schafer and other USDA officials said that it was "extremely unlikely" that the downer cattle slaughtered by Hallmark/Westland carried BSE. Raymond said that USDA has tested 750,000 cattle for BSE and only discovered two cases. The USDA, however, recently scaled back the level of BSE testing it conducts, citing a lack of BSE cases. The USDA recall follows the disclosure last month of a video secretly taped by the Humane Society of the United States. The video showed Hallmark/Westland plant workers prodding downer cattle to get them to stand, and moving downer cattle with machinery, such as a forklift. Wayne Pacelle, the Humane Society's president and chief executive officer, said the USDA recall would not have occurred if his group had not made the video. A California prosecutor filed animal cruelty charges against two former Hallmark/Westland plant workers last week based on an investigation prompted by the video. 135 million Pounds of beef recalled 37 million Pounds of recalled beef sold to the national school lunch program and other USDA nutrition programs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ew. the usda is a joke. as is the fda. all owned by corporations that could give 2 shits about our health. here is a link to the vid of the downed cows. disturbing crap. http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/chi-beef_hedgesfeb18,1,6421547.story p.s. i'm a vegetarian and always assumed that Boca/Morningstar/etc. foods were always safer/healtheir for me to eat. alas, it is not true. i recently discovered that there is MSG in virtually all of these products. booooo. just can't win. o, also. do not see the movie fast food nation. it sucks. read the book instead. much better.
  7. wait, didn't her boobs shrink a while ago? Now their big again? Am i thinkin of someone else? what the hell. ok, anyway. not majorly impressed. marilyn does it better, can't compare to the classic!
  8. :( rhino horns are ground up in china and used as an aphrodisiac. ok, it is really really fucked up. and not to say the poachers are in the right. but people are fucking poor. it is easy to frown upon this behavior while we type on our laptops. but what about the people who are dirt poor and poach to support their fams? people who don't have opportunities? I know its not like this in every case but... there is a larger picture here. poverty. people will do what they can to get by. they might even not like doing it. as for those who are just being greedy, that i do not comprehend. it is just fucked up.
  9. tortilla soup, which is pretty silly and girly. b4 that, PAPRIKA which was awesome. and b4 that, atonement, which...well...sucked balls.
  10. i know, i know. i was going to put it and then didnt. why??????? i'm even lost.
  11. hence her having to approve the colors, i think. fuckit i'm spending the $$$ on hookers fo sho. i'll post pics when i'm done painting first gotta decide on the dame colors. i really want my room to be red...dunno how landlord'll feel about that...
  12. i lub it so much. i got a flask too so i can sneak it in bars w/o paying for drinks. frugality
  13. no, i didn't try the dog.. i think. they thought it was hilarious i'm a vegetarian. and that i don't have kids and that i'm not married. yea, you got gado gado kinda on point, it has noodles too. mmm i'm craving it. i also miss homemade sambal, indonesian hot sauce. i started putting it on everything!
  14. PS my landlord said she'd contribute $100 towards paint :)
  15. mmm turqoise. that'd be look dope fatal. i like deep jewel-y hues. sugar where you work at downtown? and yes, i think i will be painting, even though it will take me a minute and i want to move the fuck in already! thanks guys, you all are the greatest.
  16. i did have to spend one day in the police station. they asked me a shit load of questions and i had to pay them off to get some retardo permit. they had ludacris playing in there though, pretty humorous.
  17. no orangs, those are in northern sumatra and borneo, regions i didn't visit. i did see some gibbons though. and shit, they made the loudest calls. like hyenas, seriously. travelling is definitely the dopeness.
  18. the egg: i don't know what the hell they put on the outside, some kind of tasty breading. And the food wasn't all that weird, very similar to thai. ooo they had this stuff...gado gado. it twas flame. But they do eat dog out there, their just like any other kind of livestock. and yes, i went to find tarsiers so i could find my own population to study. then i decided nay to all of it. and yes, i am the piercing cw.
  19. i think they should. serum's comment was on pt.
  20. so after all this i got home and decided I was dropping out of grad school. yup. and i moved back to chicago. and i am more content with life now than ever. go figure. insanity i tell you!
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