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Everything posted by DRUNKEN-ASSHOLE-ONER

  1. Please don't. You'll just end up butchering the shit like so many other outatowners that pass through and think it's all just about stretching your letters tall. P.S. there's already a Kare from back in the day.
  2. Ideo passed away. My man still has the city smashed too. RIP
  3. Then what you doing here? Go to bombing science.
  4. You just gotta understand that these kids hating are from bumblefuck places like Florida. Graffiti to them is chillspots and freights. They don't even understand what the fuck a street-bomber is. Their whole point of view of what graffiti even is is a farce. You could blame it on the internet, or magazines, or whatever... the fact is is that these kids are just herbs that have no idea what the fuck they're talking about but mouth off anyways.
  5. Nobody's beefing. You posted your opinion and I'm posting mine. If you can't take it don't dish it.
  6. This is dragging on because you have us cracking up with your stupid ass statements. And you keep posting. And now you're requesting more JA flicks. Even though you claim to hate him, you want to see more flix!:lol:
  7. Nigga said Noxer is better than JA!!! This shit's hilarious.:lol:
  8. Shit in NY definately runs homie. You ever even been there?:lol: And I've painted plenty of freights. I'm not knocken em. They're good for daytime painting in in the woods with little chance of getting caught.
  9. Yo my man... explain to me how JA is a "has been" if he's still crushing shit? What are you talking about?
  10. My nigga said FREIGHTS IS ILLER THAN CLEANS!!!!:lol: I'm fucking DIEING!!!!:lol:
  11. JAone IS 5 letters you big dummy!:lol:
  12. Some of these westcoast kids refuse to recognize raw style. They honestly think the shit has to have 50 colors to have style. They will never understand the fact that a nigga can rock a throwie or even a tag that takes seconds to do that will burn alot of pieces that take hours to do. They just don't really know what graffiti is.
  13. Re: Yinzerz 1995-2000 What the fuck is a yinzer?
  14. Such a dope post. The 90's was the shit.
  15. I once rocked a fill-in in the bathroom of the bar I used to go to. It was already bombed with markers tags but I upped the antee. I didn't expect it to fog out the entire bar like it did. People were coughing and shit. I decided to bounce before drama came my way.:biglaugh:
  16. Reskew in Philly? Haha that's what's up.
  17. Don't even call these faggots ICP. Just call them Jugahoes. ICP in Philly is an infamous graff crew that's held Philly down since the 70's. And there's a different ICP from SF that I hear holds some infamy of their own. Refering to these clowns as ICP just aint right.
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