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Everything posted by DRUNKEN-ASSHOLE-ONER

  1. Sticker toy touching spraypaint for the first time just to rag JA and Giz must=attention starved idiot.:lol:
  2. Havn't been to the bar in question in a while, but somehow I can't picture fratboy dude-bros even wanting to hang out there. If so then times have definately changed.
  3. Is this seriously comming from somebody that hangs out in the "wilkes barre/scranton" thread?
  4. You're completely full of shit. And seriously, why are you on my dick anyways? You're steady following me around like a groupie. What's the matter with you? No life syndrom?:lol:
  5. Word. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WSQPJ0s-jNQ I've never seen anybody make skateboarding look this easy. I almost wanna call this guy the next Gonz. But I'm sure that would be doing them both a diservice.
  6. I used to get my jeans from them and the GAP for mad years. What's with them all being wide at the bottom of the leg nowadays? Like you can't where jeans baggy anymore without walking on them. Like they forgot how to taper them shits at the ankle. Last thing in the world I wanna do is role up my pants like Huckleberry Fin. Or cut them off like a 90's raver. My drunken rant for the night.
  7. I've known alot of people like this over the years. It's not just you.
  8. Nice try at calling a buff but my IP can't be on any of their adresses if it aint me.:lol:
  9. Wow! Holly shit:lol: you seriously have no idea what you're talking about.:lol:
  10. Graffiti (tagging/bombing/writing your alias all over the place for rep) started in Philly you dumb shit.
  11. It fucks me up how these NY cats claim to know their history and all ... but then turn around and claim that graff started in NYC.:lol: Bump for JA though. Much respect for the boul.
  12. "DUDE... WHERE'S MY CAR?" :lol:
  13. I just remembered that Markovich is my favorite skater of all time. I first came to this conclusion in 91 or 92 but forgot about him somewhere along the line. I'm going skating tomorow and I'm gonna haul ass at every trick. I'll most likely get broke the fuck off but whatever:beat: . http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f8nMtYrrnAQ .
  14. I've said it before and I'll say i'll again... this was the livest era in skateboarding. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yFRw8Aj3ukw This is the type of shit that amps me.
  15. Yooooo!!!! Why you posting pictures of my mans Sawzall for???? That shit ain't cool B!!!:lol:
  16. That's the stupidest shit I ever heard. When you go over someone it's a diss either way. Who cares if you cover the whole thing up or not?:lol:
  17. Hey for the record, I wasn't even 100% serious. I just thought the way you worded your question was kinda fishy. And it's the internet. And it's PROZAK not PROZAC.:lol:
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