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Everything posted by DRUNKEN-ASSHOLE-ONER

  1. Ideo had more rep than anybody in Philly during his time. And he was a real ass dude. One of the best. Real talk. Philly's going to miss you homie. And your homies are gonna miss you even more. VIP for life.
  2. "I am the writa J...A one. That not my real name... it what I write on tha wall. Grthafitti name. J...A... one XTC. Like little snowflake... in big avalanche... cover tha whole city in pure white snow!" :biglaugh:
  3. This flick has Journey concert writen all over it! :biglaugh: .
  4. ^By the way... she was already cheating on you before she left. And I doubt she was really staying at Julia's. Also don't be surprized if she comes running back to you when lifes not working out for her. Don't fall for that shit. You'll definitely be alot better off in the long run.
  5. ^Sounds like my ex back in the day. Bitches like that are bad news altogether. You're better off without that drama in your life.
  6. Who the fuck is Broll? Who the fuck are you guys?
  7. Ze's from NY. He wouldn't have a Philly hand. But that Zeism hand is dope.
  8. LOL! How so? Please elaborate.:lol:
  9. ^And seriously, why are you so mad? Because somebody insulted your sticker god? Is that what this is about?:lol:
  10. 1. I know my graffiti history. Alot more than you probably know yours. And that history has 0 to do with SF. But I make regular trips to NY and have NEVER noticed any of this guys stickers. Maybe because I'm too busy looking at and writing on the walls? 2. If that's not his "normal style" then maybe one of his internet sticker buddies did it for him? Isn't that how most sticker kids get up world wide to begin with? They send eachother packages and put eachothers stickers up for eachother.... right??? 3. Like I've already stated, the only time I ever heard of this cat before this conversation is a youtube of a news report that I saw from Japan. And it only showed stickers. And that's the first time I ever heard of this cat. And the tags we are talking about (whether they were even done by him or not) were clearly done by somebody that has no idea how to write on walls. And again... I'm not from SF or Japan so I've never "faced" his work. Ever. Even when in NY. 4.I first started writing in 1993. How old were you in 1993? Where were you in 1993? I don't jock JA at all. I do give him his respect though. I was just stating the obvious. And yes you did call me a "sticker toy" when you called me a toy for not knowing your sticker hero's history. Now go print up some stickers and mail them to your internet buddies so they can give you rep in other countries.
  11. 1. I write graffiti. I don't pay too much attention to kids that only put up stickers. 2. If he actually writes like you claim, then wouldn't he at least be able to pull off a tag that didn't look like some random bum picked up a can and wrote on a wall for the first time in his life? 3. I'm not new to the sticker game... I'm not even in the sticker game. So no I don't know this sticker kids history other than seeing a youtube Japanese news report on him. 4. How can I be a sticker toy if I'm not even involved with stickers or the dweebs that only put up stickers? Congradulations, you're a dweeb.
  13. Dissapointed that there's another Grab who's better than you? So you call him a toy?:lol:
  14. I was wondering what this guys problem was so I searched his posts and found this in a Chicago thread. I guess he's just mad at Grab.:lol:
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