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Everything posted by DRUNKEN-ASSHOLE-ONER

  1. Stop making excuses for your fellow TPWF.
  2. I was about to type "how the fuck I'm supposed to find a link to an old skate magazine?" But what do you know. Google really is my freind. http://www.chrisnieratko.com/coreyduffel.php
  3. I ain't ollieing that shit period. Not even when I was in my peak would I have even looked at that shit. I was just saying that I'm 99.9% sure that I remember Alan Petersen ollieing that shit over a decade ago. And Corey Duffel's a fag.
  4. You faggots need to stop paying that TPWF daps. Yall act like you forget that he straight up called Stevie Williams a nigger in his first interview. I'm sayin though, one of the greatest skateboarders of all time (Danny Gonzalez) can get straight up blackballed for life over some Deluxe politics... but some run of the mill tight pants wearing dickhead gets a pass for being the biggest douchebag in the history of skateboarding??? Some of yall need to remove your heads from your asses.
  5. ^Alan Petersen ollied that same set when Corey Duffle was still sucking on his moms tits.
  6. I fucking hate that kid Duffel. I swear if I ever see that kid in real life I'm robbing his board.
  7. Why would I be pissed? Everyone knows that's not really my mug. It'd be like if I picked some random mugshot from someone from your city and photoshopped it on every pic on the internet. How you gonna be mad when everyone knows it aint even you?
  8. That's some pretty good ink to still be living 12 years later.
  9. Apparently I'm a republican Jesus freak too. Who wears echo shirts. And is in jail for shooting niggas in the movie theater. On the bright side though, it says I'm only 29. :D
  10. You don't get charges dropped like that for shooting niggas in a fucking movie theater. What'd you get arrested for?
  11. I don't know how it is in LA, but in Philly they don't just chalk it up to "self defense" and throw the case out when you go busting shots in the movie theater. Even if it were self defense, they'd still get him on all kinds of gun charges and shit. Plus that shit just happened around Christmas time. He wouldn't have even been through court yet.
  12. I don't believe you. Post a link to this myspace post.
  13. You really think I'd ever slip up and have my mug floating around on the internet? http://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/news/local/Iraq-Vet-Charged-with-Movie-Theater-Shooting.html http://cbs2.com/watercooler/movie.shooting.holidays.2.895284.html http://www.philly.com/inquirer/local/pa/20090101_Iraq_veteran_held_for_trial_in_movie_theater_shooting.html
  14. It's not who I think you think it is.
  15. At least he's not a TPWF. There is hope for the future.
  16. Being as this just happened around Christmas, I'd still be sitting in county awaiting trial. I must have smuggled a blackberry in via my ass to be posting on here /nh.
  17. Nah, I'm mad cause apparently I'm in jail awaiting trial. This food fucking sucks, and my celly has a serious snoring problem. You'd be mad too.
  18. If I negapropped you for posting Abraham Lincoln as a member of the Village People, would that make me Abraham Lincoln? For those who are late to the show: http://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/news/local/Iraq-Vet-Charged-with-Movie-Theater-Shooting.html :dunce:
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