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Everything posted by Blasphamey

  1. Shit, I dont know about the coke, but give me some vicodin and I'm with you on that one.
  2. I take it you dont live in boston? and its not the same word, so why you sweating it?
  3. Theres some serious writters on here that are known world wide, your a fucking idot. Most of us could care less about E-fame, and people are giving you a hard time because you keep opening your mouth about dumb shit. Word to the wise kid, think before you talk.
  4. How he proprtions it doesnt matter, but it does need to be fixed so it flows.;)
  5. Sick, Im all about letter structure, and you got some nice-ness going on here.:D
  6. I'm really big on letter structure, and well it aint the best. The overlapping on the E does kill off the flow. But none the less Im sure home will do fine. ps- next time try resizing the pic so it doesnt stretch out the thread.
  7. nice shit sevnth, yeah every girl i've dated since I've been writting ends up getting into writting to.
  8. A little choppy in this flick, but you get the idea.
  9. Just keep doing your thing bro, dont be afriad to try new things with the letters aswell.
  10. sorry this is taking so long masoe, been busy plus im trying to make it look on point for u. I need to find better lighting for my flick aswell.... Anyways here it is so far.... should be finished soon.
  11. I like that idea, and its actually for something. I'm down for that. But im sure they would be looking for something more professional and not an over the top graffiti form lettering.
  12. nice shit man, I'm actually coloring yours in now.
  13. sounds good, it'll be up as soons as its done
  14. get aids? no seriously, just keep on practicing your simples.
  15. Nah, I think he's talking about his battle that he wanted to do.
  16. Any one trying to exchange?? I write suma heres some previous work...
  17. since sevnth started, I'll just post mine to.
  18. you know, I'd make time for the girl. Everytime i've been in a relationship I've managed enough time to writting and her. But if she said you either pick graffiti or me, I wouldnt even have to think, I'd pick writting.
  19. well your 3d/drop shadow is all over the place keep it going one direction. for starters make it go down. You can also imagine a dot some where on the page and make the lines of the 3d go in that direction.
  20. Not a parent but my 5 year old cousin has a mouth on him. So about a year ago we got family over, most of us are sitting at the kitchen table playing the "Catch up" game and the little ones are watching nickelodeon on the tv. This little fucker jumps up on the couch and screams out "Sponge bob your a dildo." all my little cousins are laughing, and they dont even know why. Around easter time little nick strikes again, another family get together and at another table with my older cousins. Five yearold nick knocks on the window from outside which is eye level and around his height, so we all look over. The kid cracks a big as smile and the flips us the bird. He's not that bad of a kid, he just has a mouth and my uncle-his father is no help. He'll stand there and tell vulgar jokes as little nick is right ny his side. But when theres a family get together everyone waits to see what the kid will do next. It's probally not the best idea to laugh when he does something inapropriate, but damn the kid just does it out of no where.
  21. My post count may not be high, but I've been stalking brick slayers for a couple of years. Anyways, I like the new look and I think it adds some much needed flavor.
  22. I like these DUSE's alot more then the others. keep doing your thing and the can of PBR is awesome. (I just like my pabst)
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