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Everything posted by 10KorpsePileUp

  1. I had the same idea this morning but couldn't get there fast enough. Settled for Jack in the Box.
  2. I have designed many a thing for many a people. Never someone asking for it on the internet when they have nothing established for me to even look at. I can't believe you'd come in here expecting a serious answer. EPBH = My hero
  3. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread you inspired me to change mine.
  4. i don't understand. what is this softcore you speak of?
  5. Re: HIGHSOCIETY BIRTHDAY WISH LIST. You've gone too far man, don't worry we're gonna get you some help.
  6. With Burberry cashmere chain mail and a diamond studded mace from Tiff's jk dood
  7. Re: HIGHSOCIETY BIRTHDAY WISH LIST. wait, do I have to buy you something just cause I came in here? How bout I draw you a sweater?
  8. That’s absolutely insane. So, that would mean that anyone who has children from multiple partners would be a polygamist. As for couples who cannot conceive a child together and get an egg or sperm donation, where the hell do the lines of who marries whom lie? I have no second thoughts about this not passing, but it still worries me that enough people signed the petition to get this whole thing started. The number of signatures required for initiatives in WA is: 224,880
  9. Re: Pre Election Election That's fucking awful.
  10. 10KorpsePileUp


    metal slug and counter strike all i need
  11. A dirty shame nc17 cut CIA Drug Ops (unaired documentary)
  12. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread mmmm, poon wine.
  13. Who would you vote for? The first Women to be president or the first African American president? Both are a first, but should that novelty be what sways us either way? I keep hearing people talk about it and see some reference to it nightly on the televizombiemaker. I even heard people talking about which would most likely to be assassinated first and why, people are fucking crazy. Just thought I’d ask. Clooney is going to be his VP
  14. Take zinc, b12, and eat a bannana or an avacado sandwich. EmergenC and pot.
  15. yeah, tribal barbs are total grounds for getting teh poon
  16. FACT: Being in a frat shaves 75 points off your IQ and 15 years off your life.
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