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Everything posted by theprotester

  1. I'm thinking French cuisine for lunch. Coded. Pretty keen to paint too, Inj. Waiting on a call for that.
  2. 'Boutta go ask this beezy if she wants to lunch today. Only one way to find out.
  3. I give a grand round total of zero fucks about Halloween being as I'm not from Imerica, but there are some pretty cool ideas on here; http://www.instructables.com/contest/halloween2013costume/
  4. Haha. It's a classic, repost instantly forgiven.
  5. I don't know about that. It'd have to be lights on, because otherwise there's a chance I'd get lost, so I'll just go for it. Lunchtime on a Thursday, SMASH.
  6. Got girls clouding my judgement. Need to stay focused. Cursed with caring.
  7. ^^ http://www.12ozprophet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=59551&page=37 If you have any dramas, sing out. I just use imgur.com these days. Cheers, theP
  8. Doesn't matter how hot she is, there is some bloke, somewhere, that's tired of fucking her.
  9. Don't drink the Fosters, it will ruin your evening.
  10. So they're selling these now; http://popchartlab.com/collections/prints/products/the-magnificent-multitude-of-beer A bit USA centric for me, but thought some of you might be interested.
  11. True. TPBM would wheel around their partner if they got hit by a bus, or attacked at the Zoo by something wild.
  12. Kind of cool. But I can't throw it in the greatest pile. TPBM dreams big and lives large.
  13. True enough. Good to know they are actually doing/have done it. It will take a while to filter out to Australia I'm sure. My local meeting is in a church room. You're right about remembering what you're there to get out of it.
  14. ^ I use Acamprosate or 'Campral'. @Poz; Cheers mate. Interestingly enough, I heard that all the new reprints of text for NA in the states are removing references to God and replacing it with 'Higher Power' - also removing the 'him' gender from some of the steps. Not sure how true it is, I heard it at my last meeting.
  15. Feeling more like Lil Moe today; TPBM has a busy day at work tomorrow.
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