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Everything posted by theprotester

  1. Agree to help a friend move. Always ask more questions people.
  2. Cooking cookie dough? How delightfully retro.
  3. Yeah I'm pretty much there with it. But I like to play around a bit. I don't have the passion for injustice I once did. Random thought. From now on I will only identify as Australian.
  4. The oontz has always played in my head like our own little corner of the internet that nobody would ever think to look.
  5. http://amp.theage.com.au/victoria/victorian-man-dies-after-contracting-rare-and-potentially-fatal-japanese-encephalitis-virus-in-thailand-20170621-gwvztd.html Fuck mozzies And yeah I'm just a needlessly paranoid screwball who does absolutely nothing to quell said paranoia. I think people in front of me are following me.
  6. My deal is I feel really exposed on there. Some of the shit that is recommended for me is just too strong a reminder that I'm compromised online.
  7. I went on a fact base crusade to rid them from a workspace I attend. I hate them.
  8. I agree on IG Have had it for a week and about to get rid of it.
  9. It's ok you can say this thread is aimed at me.
  10. Brilliant thread thanks for posting. Some dedication there. Nothing but time.
  11. I've never been accused of being fashionable.
  12. I'm in it till the wheels fall off. Resistance to change is strong in me. The drink is out of my life and I'm on the right side of law 100%. Stress free living is an amazing thing. Turning the ship around is possible but this bitch is the qe2 Good to hear your experiencing some progress of your own.
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