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Everything posted by theprotester

  1. False. Just went 7am, been here three hours, and have another 10 to go. TPBM thinks that is a ridiculous amount of time to be at work each day.
  2. I'm hitting beer deluxe straight up, airport - hotel - beer deluxe! I enjoy Lakefront as well. Never had it on tap though. It's going to be a big week. I don't have to judge either, haha. So after the conference it's on for young and old. Ten dollars for a pint of proper tapped import beer is not even expensive here... we pay more than that for the Bud/Miller equivalents...
  3. Off to the Melbourne Beer Awards next week. Will report back and hopefully get some cool pictures, if all goes to plan I'm getting backstage at a fair few awesome brew houses.
  4. Never had one. TPBM receives fan mail and doesn't reply to it.
  5. FALSE. Looks can be deceiving. TPBM thinks they might die on the court tonight.
  6. Daily. TPBM thinks they're getting away with it.
  7. Ha. How weird is the cutout dude in reference to the arm up top left of that? Weird is what it is. WEIRD.
  8. True. But she wasn't one when we met. TPBM thinks they've done more bad than good in this world.
  9. TPBM thinks that 'Nati would want this thread to keep on rolling.
  10. True. TPBM will tell me what happened to 'Nati.
  11. No entourage necessary. TPBM is wondering if it's worth worrying about.
  12. Perfect start mate. The only one thing I would suggest, is don't make her the reason, she's part of it but you should be the number one reason you want to cut back. My girl was 'my reason', when she left it was hard to figure out that the real reason should've been me all along.
  13. False. Science created the shoot outs. TPBM chooses religion over science.
  14. I don't know what either of those things are, but they were in reference to your little dude sitting on the laptop screen.
  15. I always got the feeling that a part of him thought he would live forever.
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